[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pO7Re0J.gif[/img][/center] [center][i]"Illusions will always be way more alluring than any sacred truth." "Let's assume gods exist; their word would certainly be both sacred & truth. If not, then the word god itself loses its value. But from my point of view, there are no gods, only potential ones,"[/i] [b]a pause, a blink, both accompanied by a SMIRK[/b]. [i] "If they manage to transcend laws and create new ones, those laws would be the truth; but what would happen if a god creates their own truth out of lies? Both meanings would be lost. That is why there's no such thing as truth or lies, there are only illusions created by perspectives.' [/i] It's a pleasure, I hope we can communicate with one another in adequate time. I acknowledge all who welcome me. Beware I am remarkably judicious on those I 'communicate' with! But don't let that 'intimidate' thou by no means. At times I'm in a belligerent mood, anyone amenable to evaluate my proposal for a succinct dispute can do so. T-1 is my style, intermediate endowments is the game.[/center]