Orders were given, and the pirates each took to their stations for this all important trip. Steering was of the utmost importance, which meant that Dirk, with the aid of Caesar, had the most important job in this event. Even entering the mouth of Reverse Mountain's canal would prove to be tricky. Any last second change of wind and they'd be knocked off course just enough for the rapids to send them spiraling out of control! But that wasn't going to happen, not with the excellent navigational skills and eagle eye of their captain, Broadsides Boone! Dirk kept her steady, lined up perfectly with the center of the mouth. As they sailed in closer and closer the ship began to pick up speed. Soon they were pulled in violently by the impossible uphill current. The real test had now begun. Even those with the most sturdy of sea legs found the sudden jolt to throw them somewhat off balance. The Rum Runner was now shooting up the mountain at a 70 degree angle. Anybody that wasn't holding onto something would wind themselves tossed back rather violently. The sails were pulled up thanks to the good work of Sli-Wait, where was Slick?! Oh no, the sails were never properly put up! The massive upcurrent with the air resistance granted by the sails forced the ship to list starboard! [b]Crash![/b] Large sections of protective vines were torn from the ship as they hugged against the rocky walls! A portion of the mast's crossbeam snapped in two as it hugged that same wall. The Red Rums had left their mark on Reverse Mountain already, here's to hoping they wouldn't leave another! But hey, Bonesword got milk, so that was a great use of time, wasn't it? Feya and Lilliana managed to get the sails and rigging back into place so the ship's balance was no longer thrown off, but that was only a part of the struggle. [b]Crash![/b] A section of the outer hull was torn away as they hit another rock, just in time for Dirk and Caesar to steer them away from the wall. That didn't mean they were totally back on point though! A larger than average wave tossed the ship up into the air, and it came crashing back down with intense force! Kite had plenty of work going on! Thankfully it was all damage that could be repaired en route, at least so far! Bonesword's vines were starting to replenish at a rate that could keep up with the crashing and rocking damage as Dirk and Caesar could better stabilize their trajectory. For the first time since starting their uphill ascent, Boone's directions could actually be put to use! Now they were dodging rocks like skilled professionals, instead of blindly flailing about like a drenched bat in a tight cave! The summit was coming closer, and closer, and closer! The Rum Runner launched up into the summit, where all four currents from the four Blue Seas converged! Now there was only one way left to go, right back down-OH CRAP WHAT WAS THAT?! Despite incredible odds making the event seemingly impossible, which is precisely why it was always guaranteed to happen, another ship was ascending Reverse Mountain at the exact same time from the West Blue! It flew its own [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/389624017390141472/423186120352858114/image.jpg?width=574&height=659]Jolly Roger flag[/url] signifying it to be another pirate ship. A sloop, to be precise, with a figurehead made to look like a metal spoon. Her own crew was visibly running about in just as much distress as the Red Rums, and for good reason! If something wasn't done quickly, the two ships would collide, no doubt destroying both vessels and likely killing everyone involved! A single man on the opposite ship, [url=https://orig04.deviantart.net/9710/f/2007/257/9/9/tengen_toppa_cap__n_crunch_by_vashperado.jpg]a bit shorter than average, wearing a blue bicorn hat, and sporting an impressive mustache,[/url] stepped forward and threw out his hands. In what could only be described as some sort of devil fruit power, tons of small round pellets, innumerable, spewed forth from his palms and into the water. It provided great resistance which slowed his ship down, but it wasn't enough. The Red Rums had to act quickly, or they'd still crash!