So based on recent points in posts I thought I'd toss this out as a representation of what is around my nation, or at least what has been named or referenced. [img][/img] And it is not to say that I believe these are the only nations near Auclairé, there's certainly others but I haven't dropped names since I don't think they are particularly relevant to the stories I'm telling at this present moment, and I'm bound to fill them up in time. Neither does this map assert the Vandwëllerian region is a coherent political entity, it's not. I'm not opposed to anyone picking up a piece of it as their own nation in the future, or of Brosmon. But would appreciate you sit down with me and deeper lore can be worked out. For the time being, imagine the Vandwëllerian as being like a collection of statelets akin to the HRE, or even after any imperial authority was destroyed by Kaiser Frederich to spite Napoleon. The situation there is like a perpetual post-HRE and pre-modern German in that regard. City-states, ducal-sized states, stuff the size of the Netherlands and centuries settled into this pattern.