[color=pink]"... i-it was not your fault..."[/color] Jen says softly as she looks away from you. [color=pink]"I-I went through the rest of my things... my squire had left a message. She told that the order had been suspecting this kind of activity, but never had a chance to follow up. They finally interrogated her, and... now we are here."[/color] [color=pink]"The Light has never led me astray. I was a fool to believe you were the cause of this all. I was a fool to think Sinclair was... well... even a villain,"[/color] Jen looks up at the sun as if it wasn't there. [color=pink]"He went into my tent when you were gone. He spoke and told me of his situation. The Order excommunicated him hundreds of years ago for necromancy, and it was in a good heart. He loved the Order, and I was blinded by the facade the Order puts unto all paladins to see he was a good man."[/color] Jen pauses as she looks forward. [color=pink]"Tobias. When I told you before that I would protect you on this quest, whether you like it or not, I was not lying. I am not doing it for you, though. I am doing it to return to my Order so I can shove this mission directly into their tight rears!"[/color] Jen sounds enthusiastic about that last bit. [color=pink]"Is that what you want? To show those stuck-up paladins that there are other ways of doing things?"[/color]