Zios' voice echoed, changing direction every few seconds. [color=#e52b50]"Peace? Love? You misunderstand me."[/color] One of the corners caught between the pillars lit up with red as a shape burned through. As it moved the clank of plate on plate could be heard. It or she as it seemed to appear was clad in narrow armor that glowed like metal under heat. She had the motif of a feminine face with beams light like the sun spreading around the helmet. Her eyes gleamed red with no visible pupil. The way she moved lacked personality. She seemed more puppet than person. Another being like Atlas it seemed. She raised her shield which bore a similarly shaped sun on the front and drew a burning sword from her side. [color=#e52b50]"Tragedy breeds change. Which creates things I could never dream of. No. Chaos is necessary. Tests of passion and strength are certain in such conditions."[/color] The burning female knight poised to charge, ignoring the spores around her as she strode forward. Whatever they were, whatever their effect was would become evident in a moment. [color=#e52b50]"Annihilation I cannot however condone. Your Order puts a bad rap on chaos."[/color] The knight bent her knees in preparation. [color=#e52b50]"Fotia, end this devoted fool."[/color] She swept the blade in an arc, sending a wave of fire across the room in Zelriane's direction.