Serena found the exercise exasperating and educational. Exasperating because Kargard did exactly what she told him not to and expected him to do, and charged forward like..well, like a krogan, and educational because she now knew she'd have to update Del's evasion protocols. He shouldn't have been almost entirely taken down by one sniper, biotics or no. It was fortunate that the exercise had ended when it did, otherwise the attacking team would have lost. With two members down and the defensive team already well set up, it wouldn't have been pretty. Unfortunately, the exercise ended because researchers were under attack and desperately needed help. She had switched out her weapons in seconds, and Del had dumped all of his nonlethal rounds immediately. She had gone over all of her equipment while Sabinius had given them the briefing, reassuring herself. It was fairly standard. The Kett were testing their newfound strength, and they needed to prove that they weren't going to give in easily this time. This time would be different. This time, they were settled in, the planet was hospitable to them too, and they were prepared to retaliate. Her helmet was securely on her head and she was sitting, hands clasped together, quietly praying in latin as they drew ever closer to the site. She prayed for their protection, the protection of the scientists, the souls of the scientists already lost, and the souls of the Kett about to be killed. She didn't know if they knew what they were doing, if they regretted it, or if they enjoyed what they were doing. She did know that they deserved her prayers as much as they deserved their deaths. As they landed she felt the usual fear rising up within her, the choking panic and terror at what was going to come next. She took a deep breath, calming herself. She had done this before, and she will do it again. Another deep breath as she disembarked from the shuttle, hands briefly clenching on her valkyrie, and she was okay. She could still feel it, swirling beneath the surface, but she had it under control. It wouldn't weaken her this mission. She nodded as Tazen explained the plan. [color=hotpink]"Sarah will go up, cloaked, to give us an overview. She'll be able to tag targets so you guys can move around them appropriately."[/color] The small drone flashed its acknowledgement once, cloaked, and then flew up into the sky. Once it was an appropriate height to see everything, Sarah stopped and started tagging targets to appear on the extraction team's HUD. The small drone was practically invisible against the sky, a tiny warp only noticeable if you looked straight up and straight at it. Settling in across from Ryria, Serena spoke quietly into the Asari's personal comms. [color=hotpink]"If things go south and we have to start supporting directly, I'll have to move up. All of my things don't have enough range. I'll leave one of Del behind to cover your six, and alert you if a Wraith slips behind you. Sound good?"[/color]