*~*~About Usagi~*~* [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sailormoon/images/8/85/Usagi_eating_ice_cream.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130211115245[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Usagi Tsukino [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] June 30 [b]Astrological Sign:[/b] Cancer [b]Favorite Colors:[/b] White, pink [b]Favorite Food:[/b] Cake and Ice Cream [b]Least Favorite Food:[/b] Carrots [b]Hobbies:[/b] Eating, sleeping, and going to the arcade [b]Dream:[/b] To be a Bride [b]Personality:[/b] Usagi Tsukino is a caring, outgoing, loyal, and sometimes gullible young lady with a passion for helping out those around her. Personality-wise, she holds a very optimistic temperament, can be very emotional, and does her best to understand rather than attack when confronted with an issue. Still, this is not to say that she has no flaws. On the other hand, Usagi is lazy, clumsy, an academic underachiever, a horrible cook, and can be somewhat selfish. But that doesn’t mean she gives up and stops from improving. She knows she is flawed and, as such, tries to change herself bit by bit to become better. Still, she could use a bit of a push every now and then as she does tend to slack on her self improvement efforts at times. As for her hobbies and activities, Usagi is pretty much like a stereotypical teenage girl. She’s into hanging out with friends, going shopping or to the movies, and stopping by the arcade. And when she’s not goofing off, you are likely to see Usagi working at a seasonal job or volunteering. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Usagi is a young lady with fair skin and long wavy blonde hair extending down to her kneecaps (her bottom when it’s put in buns). [b]Area of Residence:[/b] Usagi lives in a two-story house that is considered larger than average by other peoples’ standards. The walls are white, the roof is red, and the perimeter is surrounded by a pink and white fence that surrounds a yard with trees and bushes. Inside the house, Usagi lives with her mother and father (Ikuko and Kenji, respectively), her little brother (Shingo), and her small black cat (Luna).