[hr][hr][center][b][i][h1][color=#cc33ff]Guinevere Stark[/color][/h1][/i][/b][img]https://s14.postimg.org/k01se73i9/tumblr_o71jmu6_Vp11ubszlfo1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=#cc33ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Brotherhood Headquarters - New York, New York [color=#cc33ff]{[/color][i]"What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."[/i][color=#cc33ff]}[/color][/center][hr][hr] [i]Ay?[/i] Just as it caught Pietro's attention, it caught Guin's as well. Even though she didn't have super speed as a mutation, her mind worked faster than most. It took her a fraction of a second to put the missing pieces together. [i]Ay[/i] was short for Ayita. And Mary had mentioned before about how sometimes, mutant siblings had similar powers - unless they were the Maximoff twins, apparently. It all made sense, but she wasn't going to blurt it out and say anything. If anything, she'd send secret notes to both of them, explaining that the other was their sibling. Keep herself out of it. Or as Pietro blurted out the explanation, Guin supposed that worked too. She felt a spiritual connection to Allison as she passed out - with all of the damage her own head had taken that day, Guin wanted nothing more than to slip into unconsciousness. But the job wasn't finished just yet. She helped Marygold get Allison into the elevator, draping one of Allison's arms around her shoulder. She was too exhausted to freak out over whether or not she'd end up switching with Allison - and fortunately, she didn't. [color=#cc33ff]"And I thought your family had issues,"[/color] Guin commented to Pietro, after watching the pummeling session between Ayita and Richard (well, between wasn't the best description. It more seemed like Richard had volunteered to be her punching bag). But she couldn't help but smile slightly, as much as she knew what happened next would hardly be good. S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel would be on the scene shortly to retrieve the Brotherhood members, as well as offer medical assistance. She and Mary managed to get Allison out of the elevator, with Pietro getting all of his family out in the blink of an eye. Thankfully, from what she could tell, none of the Brotherhood members up here were fighting - and everyone seemed to be accounted for - except for Oshea. And for once, she wasn't irritated that Nina was there. Well, that was a lie. She was still annoyed by her - but she wasn't at her maximum irritation capacity (yes, there was an index for that). At the most, she was mildly miffed with Nina's existence. [color=7ea7d8]"Guin, are you okay?"[/color] Pietro asked, having finished getting everyone out - except for Sabretooth and Oshea. But after everything that happened, he wanted to make sure his girlfriend was alright. He had put a hand on each of her shoulders and was quickly checking her over, causing the young Stark to blush profusely. [color=#cc33ff]"Could be worse - go help the others,"[/color] Guin said with a bit of a smile. As much as she was aching all over and her head was still moderately spinning, it all felt so very far away in that moment. She glanced to the side, seeing additional S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel pull up outside of the Brotherhood headquarters. Pietro still hadn't let go of her as she turned back to look at him. He was staring into her eyes and she found herself unable to look away. His heart was beating quickly and Guin felt like she had butterflies in her stomach. She bit her lip slightly, causing Pietro to widen into a broad grin before he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Pietro lifted Guin up off her feet slightly, making up for the more than six inches of height difference between them. And in that moment, Guin realized that maybe the idea of soulmates wasn't that crazy after all.[hr][hr][center][b][i][h1]Director Fury[/h1][/i][/b][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/46440e6f38ff41529fde4221bec8f25d/tumblr_inline_na6cu8Tq1u1r0bdyg.gif[/img][hr][b]Location[/b]: Brotherhood Headquarters - New York, New York {[i]"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut."[/i]}[/center][hr][hr] Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., walked into the Brotherhood Headquarters flanked by a dozen S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He came in just a minute after Pietro and Guin kissed, about five minutes after Ayita and Richard's beat down session. The speedster had run off to grab Oshea and Sabretooth, returning a second later with Sabretooth loaded into the prisoner van that S.H.I.E.L.D. had brought and Oshea into one of the medical vehicles. "Agent Stark, you look flushed," Fury observed, his face void of expression and his tone a deadpan. Guin was still blushing bright red, her hair not nearly long enough to mask it. Fury's eyes then took in the scene. Most of the people there, he knew. Avalanche, Toad, Magneto, Scarlet Witch - the usual lot. He couldn't help but notice that Mystique was gone - but maybe that was for the best. "He one of theirs?" Fury then asked, as he spotted Richard. There were no records of Richard's affiliation with the Brotherhood. "Agent Chase, go tend to the wounded. The rest of you, start escorting our new friends to the van. We're shipping them out to the Raft ASAP." A blonde agent nodded before quickly leaving the building - Cassandra would recognize her. They once had been assigned to a team together. Half of the agents then split off from the others, slapping handcuffs on the Brotherhood members before escorting them out to the van. All except Laine - Fury still didn't have confirmation as to whether or not he was with the Brotherhood. There was a chance that he was with the X-Men, even if he did look a little old for it. The blush had begun to fade from Guin's face as Fury turned to look at her. "Agent Stark - I said, is he one of theirs?" But although Fury didn't know it, the answer wasn't as simple as that question would imply. While Richard had worked for the Brotherhood, he had done it in order to find his sister. He had helped them into the lab - and they'd given Pietro a second chance before. It'd be hypocritical not to give one for Richard. He didn't believe in Magneto's ideology. [color=#cc33ff]"No, sir. He's the sibling of one of the X-Men,"[/color] Guin answered. It was honest - Richard really wasn't one of the Brotherhood. He was just a hired gun. "Is that so?" Fury asked, turning to look at Richard and Ayita for a moment. "Guess I can see the resemblance. Agents Reed, Stark, van Essenhout - you've got tomorrow off. Expect you all in for debrief the next day," Fury finished. "Let's move out." He nodded at the other agents that had come in with him, before leaving the facility. Richard had been left behind. All the other Brotherhood members had been handcuffed and loaded into a van. Guin then glanced over towards Richard, her gaze silently communicating her message: [i]don't make me regret this.[/i]