Frankie didn't react to Soldier's animosity. The man wasn't the first to want to kill him, and the super mutant doubted that he would be the last. Frankie himself mostly kept his distance from the group, talking to himself or into his recorder as he looked around him. He seemed particularly interested in the Brahmin, occasionally wandering close to the creatures to examine them, offer food, or idly pet them. It looked like he found the creatures cute. He'd ask Isaac or his father about the creatures periodically, regardless of what replied he would get the previous times, and then return to his comfortable distance from the rest of the group. Occasionally, the super mutant would wander off to the side of the road, excitedly talking to his recorder about something he had seen, and then hurriedly catch up with the caravan after satisfying his curiosity. Of the rest of the caravan, Frankie found Rocket most endearing. The girl, at the very least, wasn't scared of him. She flitted around like a giant mosquito, quickly going from one person to the next with an almost infectious energy. It was almost enough to make Frankie smile. The rest of the group was less forthcoming. They hadn't really introduced themselves yet, and seemed to keep to themselves. He noticed somethings about various members, however, that caught his attention and caused him to stare. Soldier, for example, seemed to be completely numb and deaf on his right side. He kept Frankie on his left at all times, and didn't react to things on his right as he would on his left. The blonde woman was definitely addicted to Jet. Hyperactive, seemed to think everything was too slow, occasional itching. Frankie wondered if they'd have to break her of the addiction cold turkey during the course of the journey or not. The man with the gas mask was blind in the left eye, as he kept most things on his right side and didn't react to movement on that side like he did the other. The tall, quiet, man with brown hair was off-putting. Frankie couldn't figure out exactly what but there was something...inhuman about him. The loud woman with the abrasive attitude, a former raider he had heard her called, had a nicotine addiction. Raspy voice, marred teeth, smokes always close at hand. Fortunately, something else would always catch his attention before he stared to long, and he'd be back on his mutterings, examining something else. As night fell, Frankie kept his armor on and a short distance from the fire. He didn't need the warmth or a bedroll to survive. His tough exterior protected him far better than anything the others could offer. Putting his puzzle ball up, he rolled on his side to sleep, wondering if Soldier would take the opportunity to crush his skull while he slept. His question was answered as he awoke to screaming and death, none of it his own. The super mutant moved as quickly as he could, staring at the corpse and the father, before moving his attention to the head as it fell from the trees and the devastation. He would help bury the boy and help the father grieve later, right now, Rocket and Soldier needed help. Picking up the aforementioned decapitated head, heedless of the blood, he examined it closely. Puncture wounds at the top of the head, messy cut. Not human then. Not Silverfish either. To much damage, not enough traps. He looked over at Sylvia, and those joining her, briefly speaking. [color=palegreen]"I will stay behind and help bury the boy. My size will only be a detriment in there. Be wary. Whatever killed him has claws, and it wasn't a silverfish. Something large did this. Find Soldier, you'll need his fighting skills, and Rocket as we don't want to explode."[/color]