[b]The stitches were not even, nor were they remotely tidy. It didn't shock her really, considering she had almost no experience with a needle & tread, & certainly none on healing someone. Thankfully, all that mattered was that the offending gash was sewn shut now, & the khal would begin to heal. He would live to see their son & continue his reign as khal. After gently dabbing the stitches with wine & covering them with a traditional khalasar bandage, Daenerys leaned into Drogo, gently kissing over the stitched wound & smiled up at him. Usually, she held back her crying to be strong for him, but there was no holding back the tears that fell down her cheeks. "I know that I wasn't the best helper in this situation," Dany admitted as she wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her arm, "But I hope that you can continue to wear that scar with pride." Standing a bit shakily, Dany put away her needle & the things she'd used to patch up Drogo, deciding it would be best if no one knew about tonight until her husband was well again. "Sun & Stars, let us retire early," Daenerys murmured as she tiredly slumped on the edge of their bed, "We must get you back to being healthy until we can relocate the woman who did this." Lightly rubbing her sore spine, Daenerys began to envision her own angry vengeance on the priestess Mirri. Had she not shown the woman compassion, no, ALL of the women of the Lhazareen village? Earlier that very day, Dany ordered there to be no raping of the women in their tribe, & this woman thought that she was going to rip Dany's beloved khal from her. Thankfully for her, Daenerys was better at holding in her anger as she urged her husband to come to bed, knowing his arms around her would relax them both. Being awake all night & causing a scene when Drogo was weak enough to be usurped by any man who secretly wished to overthrow the khal would do neither of them any favors. Mirri would be well taken care of when Drogo finished healing.[/b]