"Um, to be honest, I have no idea. I've never drunk this stuff before, I just prescribe it," Ariadel laughed. "All the demons I give it to never end up complaining about the taste, though, so there's a pretty good chance that it's not [i]too[/i] awful." She went into the lab portion of the tent, coming again a few minutes later with a small disposable cup of what looked like cough syrup. It was purple. "Down the hatch! If it doesn't work, at least I can guarantee you a fantastic nap." [hr] It was then that a realization came to T'vor. "After your men took the princess, what did you do with her?" [hr] Seph wasn't difficult to find, of course. One had only to scan the mass of tents to find the pavilion at which he stayed. Granted, he didn't stay in there all day, but the two demonic guards that stood outside the entrance would be sure to know where the man was at any given time. "If you're looking for his Majesty, he's not here." One of the guards informed Je'Nai. "More than likely,he is at the training grounds with the dragons. That way," he added, pointing off towards the treeline. [hr] Chrissa half-strode, half-jogged to keep up with the tall demon's long legs, but she didn't mind it. "So then, you were gone for a long time. Must have been pretty lonely," she observed. "I hope maybe once things start settling down for us, I can open another flower shop." She sighed wistfully. "It's not practical, I know--that's why I'm cooking now. It's really the only other thing I'm any good at." She giggled. "Miss Anuriel wants to promote me, I think she wants me to take over for her someday. D'you think I could manage being a full-time cook [i]and[/i] florist?" She laughed at the thought.