Alex was quite relieved to hear the two respond - and much to her luck and convenience, they were already together... or well, still together. [b][color=f26522]"My kwami explained to me what we did wrong."[/color][/b] She first started, keeping a lookout for anything suspicious or a horde of teenagers either running away or systematically moving - but so far, there was none. That was much to her relief. [b][color=f26522]"To make the long explanation short, we need to purify the Akuma..."[/color][/b] She looked towards Serpentine. [b][color=f26522]"Remember that flying thing coming out from the whip? The bat? That was the one."[/color][/b] She then tuned back her attention to the both of them. [b][color=f26522]"We needed to purify that to turn Mr. Johnsen back to normal. Since we didn't, he's still in his akumatized form and will continue wreaking havoc... and I don't think the police can stop him."[/color][/b] She then paused. [b][color=f26522]"Now, we need to break that whip again and purify that akuma."[/color][/b] Alex still wasn't quite sure how to do that, but Poyzz said she'd figure it out. And honestly, she was just hoping that the others knew how to. OR else, well, they'll be there for a long time. At least she could use her special power again, but this did worry her a bit. Shaking her head ever so slightly, she returned her attention to the two. [b][color=f26522]"I have a location or two where my fri-"[/color][/b] She caught herself and cleared her throat. [b][color=f26522]"Where [i]teens[/i] usually hang around. But I' not too sure if it would be the Instructor's next target. You guys have any suggestions?"[/color][/b]