[b]Imperial Base, Airfield - 20th Stormtrooper Platoon[/b] [b]"Right! Double check your kits, double check your fellow troopers kits and station yourselves in your designated deploy-ship! MOVE IT!"[/b] The rather loud barking came from the battle-hardened Sergeant Major, a man most of the 20th Platoon feared. He stod taller than most, a position where he had almost full oversight of the gathered Platoon. He had a fiery spirit this day, one could almost think he was enthrilled. The Stormtroopers reckoned it was because of the rapidly uprising of filthy rebels, it had been some time ago since the 20th last got the chance to prove themselves to the Empire in battle. The Sergeant Major continued his renowned barking. [b]"Rumors say that the Rebels have retreated from their entrenched position and are now retreating to an even more entrenched position! That's what I'd do if I was a RAT! We will clear out the vermin, and remember! The Emperor are watching us, we shan't fail!"[/b] The Platoon Commander, Lieutenant TK-230, arrived to the scene of thirty-eight Stormtroopers preparing for deployment. A sight that truly gave a man some vigour to his spirits. But there was no time to enjoy such a view, the Lieutenant decreed to himself. They had orders to follow. Suited in his Stormtrooper uniform, he addressed the Sergeant Major. [b]"Sergeant Major! Are the troops ready for deployment?" [/b] The Sergeant Major turned around by instinct, positioning himself at attention when the Lieutenant spoke. [b]"Yes, sir! The men are double checking their gear now and are preparing for lift-off. We are ready to show the rats what happens when they disturb the Emperor's Peace!"[/b] Nothing cheered the Lieutenant like the sight of an over-thrilled Sergeant Major. A rare sight, but most welcomed. [b]"Good to hear - Now, go to your designated squad and await for departure, Sergeant Major." [/b] As the Sergeant made his way to the dropship, the Lieutenant gave the Imperial Base a glance. He knew very well that this could be his last time seeing it. Soon as the glance had settled the Lieutenant's mind, he went aboard the dropship. Their designated drop point? Either a firebase close to the frontlines or closer to the Capital. The Lieutenant awaited further orders from command.