[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180314/9bfa05f59731e693ff866cb71c58d998.png[/img] [color=c10000]W E L C O M E T O B E A C O N A C A D E M Y[/color] [hr][hr][hr][hr] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/248047653/large.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180306/aa089bb0eb0df978ac231640551c232c.png[/img] The trip was not a long one by any means. If anything, it was rather brief for the Shark Faunus, the island of Patch belonging to Vale, where Beacon was located. But the airship that the future students of Beacon were to take was certainly not speeding anywhere. An announcement was made through the crinkly, low-quality loudspeaker system. “We will be arriving at Beacon Academy in approximately 10 minutes.” Aqua (quite literally) rolled out of bed and made her way to the viewing gallery- a long bridge with semicircular windows located in the center of the airship. She rested her face against the window, seeing the full glory of mainland Vale for the first time in forever. She expected that her other classmates and possible future teammates to come out and join her. And if they did, she would certainly be ready to meet them. This was her fresh start, after all. [/center]