[center][h2][color=silver]Eiko Uranos[/color][/h2][/center] Eiko climbed on the riggings, she was heading for the crows nest and when she climbed up into the basket she popped out her spyglass to get a better view of the ship in the distance, she didn't care about its name or it's crew if they were gonna attack it would've been best for them to show no mercy and attack without hesitation, she checked her rifle to make sure it was loaded and patted her coat to make sure she had enough bullets on her and removed the bayonet from the barrel. The Sharpshooter licked a scarred finger to get an idea of which way the wind was going before she aimed her rifle crouching down and letting the barrel of the rifle rest on the rim of the basket in the crow's nest, she was aiming at the enemy's crow's nest before slowly squeezing on the trigger, Eiko adjusted her barrel for wind conditions as she squeezed back on the trigger. The thought came to her mind that usually comes up when she fires a shot, it was better they died this way than any other way at least by being shot they could die quickly and painlessly, besides drowning is one of the worst ways to die. The thought of her father telling her about how bad drowning really was, came to the front of her mind; the lungs fill with water, even when someone holds their breath it's like putting a lid on a hole filling with water it just crashes in when you're at your weakest then the lungs burn as salt water enters your nose and mouth before going into the rest of your body. The memory of sea elves dragging men off her father's boat during skirmishes came to thought as she spotted the sea elf scurry under the deck out the corner of her eye, and taking her eye off her target. At the moment Delilah wasn't as cruel as her father looking after the non-combatants and sending them below deck and out of the way of combat, with the old man yelling at others to stick with him for some form of protection, she couldn't understand a word he was saying, but kinda got the gist of it, if she needed to understand him she could just ask Delilah for a translation.