[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 22nd, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard Research:[/color][/b] Zoie glanced over to her brother and nodded at Malis words. "She's right. Just try to enjoy yourself," she said in a calm professional voice. She couldn't let a hint of her southern drawl come through right then. Her brow perked just a hair as Mali pulled her close but she smiled and snuggled into it as they walked. "No, it isn't that. It's him," he said with a quick motion of his eyes. Zoies eyes followed her brothers and then narrowed herself. "What the hell is he doing here?" Zoie asked. "Probably wondering what happened to his son," Relic said as he kept his back turned to the older man. "Who is his son?" "Was. Ronnie." "The founder of the largest cyber security conglomerate in the U.S. was that hoodrats father?" Zoie asked and Relic nodded. Zoie looked over towards Mali. "Want to get a drink?" she asked, she needed one right then. Seemed he wasn't the only one as Wentworth lifted his hand and took a small drink from his glass which was half filled with amber liquid. At that moment, all the computer monitors flickered. [b][color=ed1c24]Pinto Rental Cars - Airport - Mexico:[/color][/b] [color=f26522]"Oh you asked for it,"[/color] Natasha said with a grin as she started to scroll through her various playlists. Grinning to herself she pulled up one and hit randomize on it. [color=f26522]"This should be fun,"[/color] she added as she set the temp in the car. It wasn't too warm, she had a coat with her so she figured she could keep the place decently cool for them during the drive as long as she didn't get a bone chill in the car. There wasn't exactly a hot shower for her to jump in where they were headed. Open road and all on Mexico. Even if there were, it wasn't like they were wanting to go pull over in the middle of no where. The less they pulled over the better in her book. [color=f26522]"Okay, got us GPS route but grabbed a map just in case. No idea how the bars are going to hold up out here. Last time I was in Mexico it dropped constantly,"[/color] she said as she got comfortable. Setting it up on the dashboard their wonderful GPS was good to go and the map was laid out on the screen for them. From the speakers the first song on the play list started to pump out. It was a rather familiar hit from the 90's that most everyone knew whether they wanted to or not. Perfect song for two girls on a road trip as far as Natasha was concerned. [i]"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. ... I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zig-ah"[/i] [b][color=ed1c24]Roads Of Justice:[/color][/b] Lucas looked over towards Jaina and smiled at her before throwing the car into gear and tearing off down the street. "Oh yes, the queen is a right good mate of mine," he said as Risa got settled into the seat and put on her belt. "But no cat, I have Risa here, she is enough to keep up with," he said with a smirk. "It's not my fault you can't handle all this," Risa said with a smirk before turning around in her seat and looking back at Jaina. "Okay, time to go pick up Cynthia so we can surprise her with a trip to the Circus. Where does she play hide and seek?" (Back in the Asylum they got the place on the lock down but it was too late. Jaina had escaped. Nurse Cratty looked at the body and looked rather bored. That was the best way to describe it. "They normally just call the local precent here when someone breaks out or gets killed. Might not be common but it happens. You aren't the first to lose a few patients in the span of a day.") [b][color=ed1c24]A Safehouse in the Deadlight District:[/color][/b] The sounds in the bathroom were not getting any better and some time between a "holy shit" and a "god let me die" Roy was able to get out a "Partner, might want to start without me," from behind the door. It was probably a good thing because it sounded like he was going to be in there for a very very long time. Not to mention that if what was happening behind the door was what everyone thought was, then as soon as he opened that door they all would be hit with the smell in that tiny place. Best keep him back there until... lord only knew when.