[hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY5MzM4OS5XVzkxSjNKbElFZGxkSFJwYm1jZ1YwRlNUVVZTLjAAAA,,/spring-is-coming.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] After their discussion of the upcoming party, Kalder found himself on his last Transfiguration homework. Unfortunately, he needed to do a bit of research to complete it, so after parting ways with his friends, he would make his way to the library. He had only a light supply of parchment, ink, and a quill in his bag, making it rather light, but it was a great relief from having to lug around all the catch up work. He made a mental note to wake up early so he could hand in everything before classes started, otherwise he would get stuck dragging everything around. His shoulder ached just from the thought, and considering he was going to get back into Quidditch practice soon, he wasn't about to mess himself up for anything. Surprisingly, the library was full, students in quite voices as they worked together to solve problems. The rush was still around, though judging by how many students were beginning to return books, it seemed the crowd would disperse soon. Looking around for an empty table, it soon turned into finding an empty seat as nearly everything was occupied. Only when he would go all the way to the back would he find a seat. He threw his bag to claim the seat for his own and immediately walked to the aisles to get what he needed. Armed with books in hand, he returned to the table, relieved to find the other students packing up. Placing the books down, he threw himself into his homework, determined to finish as quickly as possible. Kalder was so focused he hadn't even noticed the new arrival, jumping in his seat as Beatrice tapped his shoulder. "[color=springgreen]You could warn a guy,[/color]" He muttered, watching her giggle at him. "[color=crimson]I've been calling out to you for a few minutes![/color]" She informed him as she sat across from him. "[color=crimson]Mind if I borrow the book? All the other ones are taken.[/color]" She motioned towards the Transfiguration textbook. He was still using it, but considering they had only just mended their friendship, he figured he could work something out. "[color=springgreen]We can share it,[/color]" He said, pulling her belongings closer to him. "[color=springgreen]Come sit next to me, we can work together.[/color]" Beatrice hesitated for a moment, eyeing Kalder. "[color=crimson]Er...are you sure?[/color]" She asked him slowly. "[color=springgreen]I won't bite,[/color]" He promised. "[color=crimson]And if I do?[/color]" "[color=springgreen]I'm pretty sure I can take it.[/color]" Grinning, Beatrice would happily change her seat, and the pair would get to work. It was surprisingly quiet between the two, with Beatrice's passion about the subject making the homework a lot easier to get through than he expected. Kalder felt that she was slightly nervous, often hesitating if he got too close, or freezing up if he reached around her to get something. It was odd, but he ignored it for the most part. Within the hour, their mutual mission was accomplished. Happily closing the book, Kalder leaned back in his seat, satisfied he was finally finished. Beatrice seemed to share his happiness, putting away her notes back in her bag. Once she put away her quill, she looked at him, a thoughtful look on her face. Sitting up straight, Kalder stared at her. "[color=springgreen]What is it?[/color]" He asked her. Scratching her cheek, she sighed. "[color=crimson]I, um...I'm just nostalgic, I suppose,[/color]" She said. "[color=crimson]You know, doing our homework together like this...[/color]" "[color=springgreen]I'm not copying off you anymore, though,[/color]" He pointed out. "[color=springgreen]Now I actually study and don't have to beg you and Caleb for notes anymore.[/color]" "[color=crimson]Here I assumed you'd be begging Blake Cornell for her notes.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]I did at first, but she quickly shut that down,[/color]" He admitted, patting his bag. "[color=springgreen]Even now, she only gave me her notes because I was out, otherwise...[/color]" He trailed off as Beatrice would look guilty. "[color=springgreen]Can't get hung up on what's happened, you know.[/color]" Taking in a breath, Beatrice turned to Kalder, giving him her full attention. "[color=crimson]I know, it's just--[/color]" She stopped herself. "[color=crimson]I'm being selfish, and...and I know it's wrong.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]Wrong?[/color]" "[color=crimson]Yes.[/color]" Kalder had no idea what she was talking about or what she was trying to say. It [I]sounded[/I] like she wanted advice, so he figured he would do what he could. "[color=springgreen]It's alright to be a little selfish. Nothing wrong with a little self-indulgence.[/color]" "[color=crimson]Is that what you really think?[/color]" "[color=springgreen]It is.[/color]" The blonde haired girl stared at him, her eyes a mystery. Whatever was bothering her before was apparently at the back of her mind now, and she shifted forward in her seat slightly. There was that strawberry scent again, though he did wonder why she was getting so close. He hadn't moved from his spot, though as she opened her mouth to talk, someone slammed a book onto their table, causing them both to jump. Kalder was surprised to see Noel looking particularly annoyed. "[color=green]I need to borrow your partner for a moment,[/color]" He stated, completely bypassing greetings. Beatrice looked just as shocked, though something about this didn't feel right to Kal. He would stand, motioning for Noel to take his seat. "[color=springgreen]I'll go return this, then,[/color]" He said, taking the Transfiguration book with him as he would walk away. Beatrice was crestfallen as she watched Kalder walk away, though she soon realized she needed to worry about herself as Noel would grab her by the arm, pulling her to her feet. Apparently having Kalder around was how Noel stayed so cordial with her, and with him gone, he no longer felt a need to treat her the same. "[color=green]You saw Demi and I at the hospital wing that day. You're the one spreading the rumor around, aren't you?[/color]" He asked, a tight grip on her arm so she wouldn't run. "[color=crimson]Have you considered your own habits are what's causing the rumors?[/color]" Beatrice replied in earnest, making sure to look him in the eye. "[color=crimson]No one would so much as have looked twice if it wasn't for 'Playboy Jameson'![/color]" She stated harshly, throwing his own reputation back into his face. "[color=green][I]You[/I] have it out for all of us![/color]" His voice was getting more hostile as he spoke, his eyes narrowed at her. "[color=green]I'm warning you now, Balthazar--[/color]" Did he really think he could intimidate her? "[color=crimson]Concerned what the world will think if you're going out with a half-blood?[/color]" She snapped back at him, her heart racing now. "[color=green]You're not convincing me, even if you're not the one spreading rumors, I'm sure as hell you told Kalder.[/color]" Her heart jumped to her throat for all of a second before her own temper kicked in. "[color=crimson]It's more than obvious what's going on between the two of you, if other people can see it, then you aren't as discreet as you should be. Don't go blaming [I]me[/I] when the two of you are constantly hanging around together![/color]" She hissed back. "[color=crimson]You think he's stupid?! One day you two despise each other, the next you're all over each other? You're [I]delusional[/I] if you think Kalder's dim enough not to notice![/color]" "[color=green]The only delusion here is you trying to get with [I]my[/I] best friend,[/color]" He retorted. "[color=green]The pot can't call the kettle black when you're doing the same thing.[/color]" "[color=crimson][I]That[/I] is none of your business![/color]" The two were basically shouting at one another at this point, their bickering only coming to a halt as Kalder came into view once more. Noel released Beatrice immediately, who apparently saw it as a chance, and to both their surprises, shoved Noel away from her. The young man looked between the two, though he seemed to sense something had happened. "[color=springgreen]We'll be going now,[/color]" Kalder told Noel, taking his bag. Noel and Beatrice would exchange a pair of glares once more, though Beatrice would follow Kalder's lead. The two walked out of the library in silence, with the girl unsure where they were going, but as they walked, she realized he was heading towards Gryffindor Tower. Not that she was expecting somewhere else, maybe he thought he was avoiding another clash with Noel? She felt like she should say something, stealing a glance at him. Meanwhile, Kalder was pretty unhappy with the conversation the two had. It looked like Noel really was with Demi, and he could have sworn he felt even more dead than usual on the inside. He was distracted when he noticed Beatrice staring at him, and figured he should say something. "[color=springgreen]Nice to see the two of you getting along so well,[/color]" He said sarcastically. "[color=springgreen]The entire library could hear you.[/color]" This made her cheeks turn red. "[color=crimson]I'm sorry.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]Not your fault he's a prick,[/color]" He said, disappointed in his friend. "[color=crimson]That's not what I meant. Demi told me everything. I know the two of you were together,[/color]" She confessed. "[color=crimson]She...also mentioned your engagement.[/color]" So Beatrice knew everything after all. It certainly explained the way she acted around him. Maybe she was feeling pity for him and was only hanging around him out of guilt. For some reason, that was a rather sobering thought for him. "[color=springgreen]I'll have to do something about that soon,[/color]" He admitted. "[color=crimson]So you can get her back?[/color]" She asked, her voice soft. He felt it was too late for that now. "[color=springgreen]So I can get my freedom,[/color]" He would choose to say instead. "[color=springgreen]What's done is done, but I'll be damned if I don't have control over my own future.[/color]"