[h2]Estelle Varianbec[/h2] "Ah?" Of course, she should perhaps have expected this, given it was her idea to take a position on the rooftop of one of these nearby buildings. However, it wasn't exactly easy to be prepared for suddenly being lifted and then flying through the air as if she had suddenly sprouted wings. Unconsciously, Estelle found herself clinging to one of her Servant's arms, before the both of them landed safely and easily stop the building. "... Good work, Lancer," she declared, simply, quickly releasing his arm. The small, tan-skinned girl hadn't at all been a little frightened by the sudden motion and height. That was, of course, beneath her. As she was lowered to her feet, she quickly took stock of the situation. The opponent was unknown, but even if they had detected the presence of another Servant it would be impossible for them to determine any other details. It would also have been difficult for them to recognize their motion, especially after Lancer took on spirit form. Finally, there was no possibility in which any Master participating in this Grail would be able to outmatch her in a battle of magecraft. She simply refused to accept such a possibility. Lancer would engage and defeat the enemy Servant, and she would force the Master to surrender. If no surrender could be obtained... She wouldn't hesitate to crush them. [@RolePlayerRoxas]