[h2[h2] [centre] [color=f6989d]Marinalia (Romus) Olympus[/color] [/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] & [/centre] [/h3] [h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre]Old Harbour . Sunday early Morning, Race main stands, Pit lane, Lunch time. [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Marilania watched as the screens and crews gave people there cues to leave the track zones and head into the pit lanes as final preparations and tyre jackets where being pulled off. Helmets locked and windscreens given a last wipe down before the start. Watching Joel strap into the 5 point racing harness and lock the helmet down, everything was so much similar to a aircraft, except the whole wheels staying on the ground part. Giving a last wave before heading through thr concrete barrier wall built into a L shape, overlapping walls preventing cars and debries from entering the paddock and visa versa. Somewhat nervous and definitely not over the mornings events, part for herself, part for her family and part concern watching cars doing 200mph or close two feet from solid concrete barrier walls. It was exciting, but a very unforgiving race track. With a last glance back and wave as she vanished behind the concrete, blonde hair bouncing out the way a fraction a second later, There was a reason her deadalus call sign has been set as "Valkyrie", one she had held for several years. Stopping by a passing complementery coffee cart, ordering a [i][color=f49ac2]White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles[/color][/i] The coffee came quickly, it was somthing that was utterly unhealthy yes, but it was a feel good drink and she needed somthing to perk her up. If that did not wake anyone up, they probbly would be a zombie. Heading up to the team hauler and climbing up the steps, waving cheerfully to the crew belowz through thr glass windows seeing the array of cars lined up and ready to race. Putting her coffee down and donning headphones easily like everyone else was for the engine noise to come, well practiced from a career as a pilot. Sunglasses reflecting as she saw the cars shine in the midday sunlight, polished and preened to perfection by There crews. With a softer accent than before although very definitely English but more freindly than a crisp BBC english she had used during the live spot, ecrntuating her pronunciation to be clearly undstood across the global broadcast. [i][color=f6989d]Hey guys, the crews told me to come up, and watch from here, the views definitely better than below. Oh, better introduce myself, properly, I'm Marilania Romus Olympus, Tommy should know what my tail elevator looks like, I'm Maxamillions Granddaughter. Well more than that, Tommy can vouch for my flying skills. [/color][/i] Smiling and Sipping her coffee, watching the mayor and jumping slightly as the engines fired up across the grid and the entire Pitt Lane shook as her floating island of cream and marshmallows atop her coffee bounced slightly atop the coffee and sugary sea. [i][color=f6989d]Woah, this is certainly ringside... [/color][/i] Watching as the cars roared off, the entire Pitt Lane shaking as tens of thousands of horsepower lept from the line and the entire field began, each one weaving back and forth in S motions, slowly building up temperature, the high performance tyres only gripped properly was they where ready. Soon thr last car vanished from view and she watched the screens and live broadcasts, going on about tyres, track plans, and stratagy. The graphs and half thr advanced race telemetry was majorly out of her understanding. She knew how the radios worksed, that she could work. The rest bar track and time system was Greek for all she knew. The roar of crowds was muted slightly by the glass and headphones, the engines however had been deafening close. Tuning her headphones to mostly concentrate on the public broadcast a second. She hered catter of positions, race stratagy and the tyres.... Though Joels skill behind the wheel was certainly going to matter more than if they chose a soft or a hard tyre. [i][color=f6989d]So all that means exactly? [/color][/i] Much as her pride hated them admit, Joel had beat her fair and square in the race, and certainly could give her a run for her money. Maybe in a unlimited air racer she might be able to turn the tables. [hr] Victoria watched the race from above seeing the people head back to pits, cars stood as crews dragged blaxk bags off wheels and unplugged power supplies, dozens of people where on the move to the pit lanes. Seeing long blonde hair bouncing from afar into the pit lane. Was the Marilania, the woman was waking a team jacket... Maybe. She had one at the interview.. It had to be her. Her phone buzzing and not realising a second as the Mayor's voice booked out and dozens of engines roared to life on the grid. Green lights blinked and changed, red lights vanishing and then the grid jumped forward on and began to aggressively turn, vere and move. As the last car round ded the practice lap she checked seeing "Milo, x? " flash up on her phones unread tasks. Reading the message her stomach contracted slightly, yes she had ghosted him and probbly hurt him, she felt slightly guilty at the whole events. Putting this one right was going to be difficult. Leaning over to Maria and tactfully nudging her. [i][color=6ecff6]Hey... Maria... How badly I fucked this one up... [/color][/i] Taking the phone and giving a concerned look before furrow img her brow thinking. Maria had her fair share of problems, managed to be a young parent, lose a fiance, Boromir, he had been a fighter combative marital arts, swordsmanship... Kind, strong, things had been great. Until the awful news came, killed by some thug with a sword, probbly just after a damned wallet. Turning her thoughts back, Vesarian, Victoria, well if she admitted it... Kind of a daughter... If she loved him... Then that would make her... No, not yet. Things where only just breaking the horizon, not yet high noon. [i][color=fdc68a]OK... So good thing he seems to be willing to talk bad, defenitely hurt him, balence it... Your in wrong, but he was drinking with some ex type... Difficult. [/color][/i] [i][color=c4df9b]Il leave this one to you ladies...[/color][/i] [i][color=6ecff6]Thanks... Thought so Maria, sure messed this one up... It was going well till little miss damned deathstar was about... [/color][/i] Sighing and typing a reply, she had a car to pick up next week. A major upside of the big job was ernough to fund a deposit and upfront payments on a 2014 mini convertible. Red with white stripes, auto folding top, cute little city car. Not everyone believed she could drive, long as not too far, Victoria could manage a smaller car. Marilania Discovery was tons too heavy... A mini, alot safer for her and the rest of the world. Typing fairly quickly, she knew what to put, lest she forget it. [i][color=6ecff6]Stay safe Milo, let me know when, I've got to collect a car Tuesday afternoon, and rehab wensday morning. Anything else, I'm free to talk. I want to fix this. VR X[/color][/i] Hitting send before she doubted herself and turning back as cars began to weave back into the far distence ready for the races real start. They had to line up again and the first cars would already be losing grip even during the brief pause. The commentery and people about seemed full of facts, figures. Hard, no stop, 2 stop, driver swaps, fuel, light end runs and all manner of technical and strategic terms. The rumble in distence told that the soon the main pack would be ready to race, and then the real racing began. Atleast her sister seemed to be making the day of it and having fun. The whole close to track, it was loud ernough up here. Yet alone down by the pit lane. Soon the race would begin. [hr] [@Pilatus][@RoccanIronclad] [hr]