Shadow had her eyes closed, but then opened them a little bit, as soon as Yugi began to speak. She was rather surprised, and a little relieved, that he didn't freak out nor have second thoughts, at this very moment. However, when he began to explain that he feared about his own actions being the cause for her disappearance, it made the genie completely turn her head to look at him, slightly widening her red eyes. Did Yugi mean that? Did her master really mean to show concern for her? None of her previous masters have showed her any of this before; nothing that would be genuine, but rather for show. It felt as if this was the first time one would actually care for her wellbeing. It made her eyes tremble a little bit, even while the genie watched him, before giving him a small smile of her own. It felt as if a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. [i]'Hmm'[/i], Shadow hummed while giving him a nod of confirmation. [i]'I promise that I will'[/i], she wished that she could receive one of those Yugi made earlier: A hug. One that made her comfortable and safe. After that experience, she would willingly give him the same one, if he ever felt scared or sad. As his protector, she would. At first, she was confused when the boy insisted for her to not call him "Puzzle-Solver", the title she began to call him, ever since they have met. Solver? Master? What would be suitable? But for him to just call him by his name, only made Shadow smile fondly at him. [i]'Of course, Puzzle Sol...I mean, Yugi'[/i], she quickly corrected herself. She would have to stop calling him that now. His name was 'Yugi'. Just Yugi Muto. If only the genie could thank the spirit, once again.