[quote=@Fairyfloss] The ship sends another bird back, containing a request for directions to a location to unload. When the ship docks, it starts unloading a few containers worth of firearms. [/quote] The soldiers grin to eachother. "I will inform those who are at a...certain location of a [i]suitable[/i] location." the leader states. The others wait around. The leader runs off to go inform his various superiors and those of equal rank about such an area. Such a place, is called Muriva city, there is a port nearby aswell. The superiors give the orders for a large military presence to be stationed there and to be ready for battle. The leader of those soldiers is dismissed. A bird is dispatched, giving the location of such a harbor. Once the ferries are there, the Yahupi are in waiting. A few of the leaders wait for things to be unloaded perhaps. They are ready for this plan. _ Meanwhile, in the Federation the 2nd Commander watches as these things are unloaded. The Federation's people there take note of who the people unloading these things look like. The 2nd Commander walks up and introduces herself to these people, extending a hand of friendship to them. She asks how these Firearms are operated, and she asks what the Federation can offer in return. Gold or silver coins perhaps. She has dark blue eyes, somewhat of a tall stature, with a purple and white uniform, a lightish brown color to it. Her hair is done in a bun shape. She looks young, but not too young.