[quote=@The One] [@Surtr Inc] Done, what are my limits and weaknesses? [/quote] Limits: her scrubbery knows no ends. Weaknesses: While she's a champion at being a scrub, she's also ashamed of it. [s]I'm not funny.[/s] [quote][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] The effects of her music wear off after a short amount of time. After people stop hearing the music she creates, the effects quickly degrade until they don't feel it anymore. This takes around five minutes for someone to stop feeling it complete. Clarity of the sound dictates how effective her abstraction can be. For example, if Krystal in playing a calming song a few feet away from somebody they'd get the full effects. If somebody [i]else[/i] was about a few rooms over and could faintly hear it, they'd be slightly affected. While Krystal is able to use any kind of music, the music she is creating herself (Such as singing) works the best, and expends less energy while she's using it. It has a somewhat unique interaction with other Awakened - they aren't immune to the beneficial effects such as calming, or energizing, but they are resistant to the tiring, and other such negative effects. [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] While Krystal produces the effects with her abstraction, she definitely isn't immune to them. Whatever effect that she creates, she also has to undergo the same effects herself. Even if she's resistant, she's only resistant to a point. Not having access to her musical instruments can also be a disadvantage. If they were, say, destroyed, then Krystal would have to resort to singing - and that would cause some [i]serious[/i] damage to her throat after a point. [/quote] [hr] [quote=@Prosaic] [@Surtr Inc] How far are the docks from this? Can Aliana, Lynette and Nathan hear the ruckus or nah? [/quote] Yeah, they'd hear a bunch of people running around and murder. I'll get on adding a response for Lynnette, I'm rly busy. Anyways, I was thinking that I do what I promised to do at the beginning and set up situations for everyone. I was mostly thinking of placing everyone in three different locations and think of where to go from there. how's that sound