[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ash Holloway[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/85b1d99e40c547d7e771e7688130f28a/tumblr_ojog8uNf9k1qdhps7o2_r1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=steelblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside of the Hordebuster, Sprayberry Rd, in front of train tracks [color=steelblue][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Knife [/center][hr][hr] Ash found that he was in total agreement with Niesha. Desperate people would definitely do anything, even if it seems crazy. Her follow up was sobering in its own, massively accurate way, reflected in the sincerity of Ash's response. [color=steelblue]"Yeah. Yeah we do."[/color] Of course he knew about crazy. He'd been swimming in it for a while now, to the point that accepting his dysfunction was the best way to continue holding himself together, and by extension, holding his people together. He had a lot fewer people now, obviously. But the voice inside of his head was still present and/or accounted for, sir. It was part of him. Sometimes he wondered if, during those times that it was quiet for an extended period, the it was actually the dominant force behind the wheel of his consciousness. It was the part of him that was pure, logical soldier after all. Of course, that's where the idea fell apart. It had been a while since he'd heard the voice-that-was-him, and he was under a lot of tense stress. This would be the ideal time for the voice to take over, were it to. Yet here he was, wondering if his persona was being diverted by a chunk of his own psyche. Nope. He was still a little crazy. But functionally so. He didn't flinch when Niesha's arrow sailed past him, taking out one of the Dead approaching him. He had instructed them not to use bullets unless they had to, and true to word she did not. As she crossed the distance from the Hordebuster to his location, he gave an affirming nod. It was a clean, one shot takedown that he couldn't have done any better, personally. When she offered to handle the second one, he shook his head. [color=steelblue]"No ma'am, I've got this one."[/color] Maybe she knew that he needed to engage in a little stress relief, and merely offered as a formality. Ash tightened the underhand grip on his knife and took a couple steps forward, presenting a closer target for the attention of the shambling corpse walking up to them. He waited for a few seconds until the thing was upon him, dug in his heels for a traction, and hammered the blade of his knife into and back out of one of its eye sockets in a solid, utilitarian motion. It dropped to his feet like a rag doll. About that time, Ash heard the sounds of Riley's minor misadventure. He looked back to make sure she wasn't hurt, then turned his eyes back to his initial goal - scouting the obstacle. [color=steelblue]"Give me some cover then, Niesha. Approach at a wide arc. Riley? Please secure the 'Buster. No uninvited guests, living or dead."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=DC143C]Thalia Carmichael[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e4117d5f-65c8-4b8e-98df-5810a59267c5.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=crimson]Location:[/color][/b] Near Eden, Golf Course (14 -> 15) [b][color=DC143C]Skills:[/color][/b] Stealth, Survival [hr][hr][/center] Thana wasn't there. She must have continued ahead, which means that either Thana got a little ahead of herself, or Thalia was late to the party. She wasn't the type to be fashionably late for anything. Hell, she wasn't usually a fan of being particularly fashionable. Or late. Or alone in hostile territory when she was supposed to be with a group. This was not the plan. Her mind flashed back to a movie she caught just before the world imploded, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Thalia hadn't read the books, but she had meant to, eventually. She was particularly fond of the part when Slartibartfast mentioned to Dentarthurdent, "Best laid plans of mice, and all that." It seemed fitting. So again, the direction was south. Other options put her out in the open, or into a lake. She moved quickly and quietly, keeping the water to the right of her, steadily toward Eden proper. Or what she calculated must be Eden proper. Hopefully, she would meet up with the rest of her group and go a'hunting. She wished she had her uncle's ability to track. It wasn't something she took particular interest in back before, being as she was mostly an urban sort of girl. Wires and circuits, take out Chinese food, DVRing "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" (not that she'd ever admit that last one out loud); these were her areas of interest when not boxing or working in her office. Had she known that this highly inconvenient Apocalypse was going to happen, she would have very likely paid better attention in Girl Scouts. Or attended Girl Scouts. Lord knows she could go for some Thin Mints right about then. She shook off thoughts about cookies and things that used to be, settling back into her present, horrifying reality and the reason she was participating in an assault on these people. She wasn't the rude, antisocial urbanite she was four or five years ago. No, she was the rude, antisocial [i]survivor[/i] of today. At least for right now, as the day wasn't over yet. Lots could go wrong. And speaking of going wrong, Thalia's path was suddenly blocked by a large, flat, reaching WALL. It might have been expected - it let her know that she had arrived. But still, Thana wasn't there, either. This was mildly annoying. Scanning her surroundings, Thalia looked for a way over, around, or through this obstacle, as Thana must have. Her thoughts were interrupted by a startling BOOM, sounding from a distance. That was the signal. It was Game On. Thalia had to get past that wall while attention was diverted. She looked about with urgency, trying to locate her ticket inside quietly.