[hider= Lady Anemone] [center][h2][u]Anemone Violette Fulgar[/u][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/05/31/V7mRBQ.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 22 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Job:[/u][/b] Marine, Scout, Cleaner [hr] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Anemone is a lazy, unmotivated person who doesn't seem to care or feel much about anything or anyone besides herself. This isn't even due to her upbringing, it's just how she has always been. She never learnt to manage money and thus has a horrible habit of splurging it all in one go, and is shown to get quite addicted to gambling which has lead to a lot of debts. However contrary to her laziness, she is an impulsive cleanaholic and cannot stand mess with a passion. However, her version of 'mess' is where things can go very, very bad very, very quickly for anyone who allows her to help clean. Remember how she never learned to manage money? Well, it gets worse as she also seems to have no idea how currency works nor the value of items and the like. So if she thinks something is cluttering up a room? Trash. A bookcase you don't use, which may contain several valuable books that you never read but keep there anyway? Trash. Tea-cup you don't use, but you keep for guests or for decoration? Trash. She is also a very impulsive person, not seeming to think twice about whatever she does whether it be good or bad. She also loves to fight, often going out of her way to pick fights if she needs to. She does know her place however and will adhere to any orders the Captain/officers will give her, though she might give some attitude or be overly reluctant about it. She is also prone to grabbing peoples hands if they touch her and going to break them if either she isn't quick enough to realise it, or they're not quick enough to stop her because of past issues she had aboard ships. [hr] [b][u]History[/u][/b] Born into a one of the noble families, Anemone had a silver spoon in her mouth since birth. Her parents, being very successful merchants, attempted to raise her to be ladylike and to follow in their footsteps. But whether it be she was dropped on her head as a child or she is just insanely retarded, not a single one of their lessons got through to the girl. Since she was a small child, she was always outside roughhousing with other children, coming home covered in mud. So her parents would try harder to change her, but that just proved to do the opposite. This attributed to her laziness and reluctance of things which she didn't personally enjoy, and she begin sneaking out to get involved in a local 'Fight Club'. Often she would have many bruises and the like the next day, but she didn't care but instead enjoyed the thrill she got while fighting. The only lesson her parents organised for her that she actually enjoyed or cared about was the magic training, never skipping a single one, enjoying not only learning the nuances of her magic but other magics to a certain degree as well. All the while her relationship with her parents soured, till eventually it reached the point that first thing she heard about a ship hiring crew members she packed her things and ran away when she was 16. The first ship she applied for took one look at the well groomed young lady and rejected her, same with the second and third. It was only till the forty third ship was she finally hired, having learned that all she needed to do was dress like a peasant rather than a noble and she would get in. Smart, isn't she? Her first job, aboard the [i]Macho Man[/i], mostly involved cleaning, whether it be the dorms, the clothes, the cannons, whatever. Whatever needed cleaning, she would clean. And due to her used to things being sparkling clean, she soon developed a habit of getting things to such a state. Now of course, being a young lady stuck aboard a ship that was mostly comprised of men stuck out in the ocean for lengthy periods of time had it's....troubles. Though, due to both her magic and the skills she had learned in the fight club, the problems for the most part were avoided as people tended to not like being knocked out by a teenage girl, or thrown over aboard by her. And especially didn't enjoy getting their noses broken. She was eventually discharged from the ship because of what she did to some of the crew members, effectively disabling the ship at one stage because most of the crew were injured, and some of the severity of the wounds was staggering from a young girl. After being hired and then fired by a couple different ships afterwards, she enrolled in the marines, though this only lasted a couple of years before once again being discharged for disobeying superiors orders. Eventually she found herself on the [i]Great Aquarius[/i], finding some solace in the eccentric crew that was aboard as well as the fact she wasn't surrounded by men 24/7 are big reasons as to why she tries her best to follow orders, plus being aboard a ship like this meant plenty of chances to fight. [b][u]Magic[/u][/b]: Lightning Magic Anemone has a variation of lightning magic that revolves around electromagnetic fields. By charging the air around her, Anemone can stop rounds shot at her through a musket and the like. Though stopping a canon ball is outside her abilities. She can also give people a nasty little shock with the field, though worst case scenario is that she paralyses people. And while in the field, she can move faster. The field isn't large however, with it effectively forming a circle about 2 metres in radius around her. She can also store and discharge electrical energy within her body, though the biggest downside to her magic is that she is incapable of actually going into water with electricity charged up otherwise she will be the one who is on the receiving end of a not so shocking surprise. Also, her magic is entirely useless underwater. [b][u]Other[/u][/b]: She has on her person various weaponry she has gained and trained in, including the crossbow, saber and oddly enough a trident. She also knows how to use a bow, though she prefers to fight face-to-face rather than using long range weaponry. [/hider]