[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/godZwzu.gif[/img] [color=slategray][sub]A [color=ff0066][b]Q[/b][/color]&[color=17aa99][b]A[/b][/color] post Location: A Double’s Car Interacting with: They only need each other A collab with [@smarty0114][/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr] [indent]A Double was sitting in the car with Q, at a stoplight as they headed toward school together. A Double had a few questions: He wasn’t sure how this whole… dating thing worked? He’d done some Google searches, but now he had to implement the suggestions he’d found. He’d have to exercise communication! Which wasn’t normally a big deal; he and Q got on super well… why was it so weird now?! Maybe it was the subject he wanted to talk about. Talk about ‘us’? Talk about ‘what we are?’ Weird. They should just talk about cartoons and weed. That was easy. But this was not. [color=17aa99][b]“Hey, Q. I was wondering. Should we like… have sex, you think? I dunno how that works. Like, do we decide when we’re gonna do it before hand? Does it just happen? What’s the path? The protocol? How does it happen? Do you want it to happen? Do [i]I[/i] want it to happen? Is it even [i]fun[/i]?”[/b][/color] Q was confused, to say the least. She was happy, yeah. But confused. And a little scared. She was dating A Double. Like, actually, really dating him. And that was cool. She guessed. Quincy hadn’t been in a relationship, not since her and Derek broke up last year. And that had been, well it had it’s ups and downs. Derek was an asshole, but he had been a decent boyfriend, at least in the beginning. Except A Double wasn’t Derek, and A Double was new to this. And if she was being completely honest, it felt like Q was new to this whole thing too. And here was A Double asking her questions on questions. She pursed her lips and turned to face her boyfriend. [color=ff0066][b]”Sex...sex is complicated A Dubs. And, it’s a lot sometimes. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes you talk about it. Me and Derek, well, we talked about it for a bit before I decided I was ready. We’ve only been dating for a day A Double. There’s no rush,”[/b][/color] she explained, hesitating a moment before bringing up Derek, but going for it anyways. A Double had never struck her as the jealous type. A Double had to think about what she said, carefully. He had to think about it carefully, because A Double was [i]confused[/i] by this stuff! The entire sex thing was crazy! [color=17aa99][b]“That’s good! Because really? Sex to me seems like really complicated and convoluted and like it’s just this crazy way to say you love someone, but I can just say it aloud! I love you, Q. See? That wasn’t hard. And I do love you! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have hung out with you so much for the past like year! But, like, now we’re dating and like my love for you has been… upgraded? It’s different now. Because it’s romantic. And like I like that a whole lot, but I’m not sure how to express it? Before it was easy: I picked you up to take you to school, I brought you weed and shared my snacks with you… Now it’s different! I gotta do that stuff [i]and[/i] I have to hold your hand and kiss you and hug you and hold you, and like it’s great and I love doing that stuff, but I think to myself: what if I don’t do it enough? What if she stops wanting to date because I don’t do enough? It’s tough. It’s [i]tough[/i]. Let’s skip school and go back to Dreamland and eat chips.”[/b][/color] Q grinned. Really and truly, one of those big grins that takes up your whole face, the kind you get when you’re a kid and you see Santa, or when you see snow for the first time, or when your boyfriend tells you he loves you as the sun rises above the Beverly Hills skyline. [color=ff0066][b]“Babe, you’re starting to sound like me,”[/b][/color] Q said, leaning in and kissing him. [color=ff0066][b]”I’m dating you for you. Not for the hand holding, and the making out. Those are pluses, but if we never did them again, I’d still care about you. Okay?”[/b][/color] A Double let out a huge sigh of relief and nodded, [color=17aa99][b]“Well, that is just a huge weight off of my shoulders. I was gettin’ really stressed about it…”[/b][/color] He muttered, before turning off the car and turning to her and smiling. Oh! That reminded him. There was some kind of dance coming up, but he… didn’t really remember the specifics. Since they were dating now, he supposed he’d better ask. That was the man’s job, right? [color=17aa99][b]“Hey, Q? Do you wanna go to the dance with me? The… Valentine’s one?”[/b][/color] Boom. Boyfriendly job done. Quincy grimaced. [color=ff0066][b]”I mean, do you wanna go?”[/b][/color] Q asked. If A Double wanted to go, then she’d go, because that was the right thing to do, but Q wasn’t in to dances. Especially Sadies. She thought the whole idea was sexist to begin with, but the idea of getting all dressed up and drinking punch and being in a hot, sweaty gym? It seemed like a bad flashback. Jenny went to school dances. Quincy did not. A Double looked over at her and shrugged his shoulders. [color=17aa99][b]“I just... want you to be happy. So, if you wanna go, we can, if not… I don’t care, we can just stay home and chill. I’m flexible, Q.”[/b][/color] He said, opening his door and stepping out of the car, [color=17aa99][b]“Well, here we go. Another beautiful day in paradise,”[/b][/color] he said, giving her another grin. Q grinned and joined him outside, giving him a quick kiss and linking arms with him. [color=ff0066][b]”Away we go.”[/b][/color][/indent]