[@Bluetommy][@KatherinWinter] Jericho would nod to Daniel and try to think of a cover. He decided on one, and had gathered the students' attention so he could enact the plan. He held out a memory eraser and cleared his throat. He would say loudly. "Alright boys and girls, listen up, I am going to tell you all what you just witnessed..just focus on this here...aaand..." He flashed the memory memory eraser once when everyone had looked at it. He continued. "Good! Now what you just experienced was NOT of the supernatural, it was merely a well planned prank from a couple of knuckleheads that went WAY to far. We do not know the identities of these tricksters, but we know they don't go to this school." He scanned the crowd to find the kids who had stronger minds, and when he identified them, he would press two fingers from his free hand against Daniel's forehead and taps once. He urges him to look at the crowd, and he would see 4 kids that seemed to glow, an altered perception spell it would seem...he whispered to him. "Those kids are going to need a bit of extra work to get them to forget. Think you could help with that?"