[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@Prosaic][@Zombiedude101][/sup] [b][code]The Campsite - Docks.[/code][/b][hr] Lynette couldn't help but crack a smile at Aliana as she echoed her friend, [i]"Something like that."[/i] There was a part of Lynette that was more than bored with "the mundane." That was why she carried around this journal. The camping trip was fine for the most part, but yeah, she had other things on her mind. Something that'd be more interesting. And something that she'd like to have Aliana join her on. Though, she needed to have absolute seclusion to even suggest that they go beyond the fence... and that absolute seclusion came to an abrupt end when somebody came strutting up. It was some fat kid leaning up against the fence, and made a joke about needing a boat. Lynnette would almost feel annoyed that their conversation was being interrupted, but they could always walk away and have that conversation elsewhere. In the meantime, just not to be rude, Lynette decided to humor him just a little. "Naaaaaah," Lynette said, "Somebody just stole all the boa-" That was when the loud shriek pierced the air in the distance... followed by what had to be a stampede, and [i]more[/i] frantic yelling. The shriek was so loud that it couldn't be ignored, but she also knew that it just couldn't be in jest. She looked worried, as she wondered what in the world was going on over there. Lynette paused for a moment, as she bit her fingers a little bit. "... What's going on over there?"