"Two hours?!" Ming bemoaned with her head craned forward. "What am I going to do in two [i]whole[/i] hours?" She sighed and let her head and straight hair fall forward. [hr] [i]"Agar agar agaaar...Agar agar cream~"[/i] Ming quietly sung along while holding a bowl of jellied fruits swimming in fresh double-thick cream in both hands. Her little song helped her concentrate on not spilling it while walking along the arena stands, so she repeated the two lines over and again. [i]"Agar agar agaaar...Peach and cherry cream~"[/i] She was looking forward to the cool and refreshing treat, but not as much as the hype all around her. The seated crowd burbled and chattered, talking all sorts of gossip about the next show. Ming clanked her small armoured backside upon the stone seats and listened out. It was hard not to listen when the first spoonful of early dessert stopped her lyrics. >Perception for what's coming up next: 14