HAHAHAHA oh my goodness...sorry but just look at this quote straight from the article. "The irony is that the far right have long called for the British government to take firm control of our borders. Now they are doing just that." Yep, irony and hypocrisy all rolled into one. It's sooo important for the UK government to ban 'camgirls' who are making a few speeches, passing out a few questionable leaflets, [url=https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/680627/Hundreds-ISIS-terrorists-returning-UK-fighting-extremist-group-Syria]but ex-ISIS fighters are A-OK[/url]. People who say [i]naughty[/i] things are prevented entry while people who actually killed others in the name of Islam are being put back into society, but no can't have visitors stay for a few days and make people think. One thing I'll give the article at least is it admits. "[i]Islamist[/i] and [i]right-wing extremism[/i] is reaching into our communities through sophisticated propaganda and subversive strategies creating and exploiting vulnerabilities that can ultimately lead to acts of violence and terrorism," UK's prevention rate of Islamic extremism has been pretty crappy the last few years though so I say their actions speak a heck of a lot louder than their words. The UK government deserves every bit of criticism it gets, just as every government and political figure should be criticised by what they do. The UK government essentially are shooting themselves in the foot on this one, since it is painfully obvious they are trying to silence opinions, which only makes people more suspicious of them and more people now will be interested in what those banned people had to say. Well, as interesting a story as it is, the story I'm more interested in right now is [url=https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/03/15/world/australia/south-africa-white-farmers-peter-dutton.html]how South African farmers are at such great risks these days Australia is considering giving them emergency visas.[/url] South Africa is going completely nuts these days as the government has opened the doors to allowing them to take South African farmers land without compensation, not to mention the large amount of murders going on as well. South Africa is a place to keep a weary eye on as things keep getting more unstable.