[hr][hr] [centre][h1][color=orange]Barca Ashur Xavier[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/10KM9HKbxBZjYA/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Academy. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Lavi Kyle ([@Ejected]).[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] [color=orange]”I assure you, I do try my hardest not to eves drop on thoughts. Sometimes, however, it is a bit impossible not to.”[/color] Barca said. [color=orange]”Although I will warn you, strong thoughts do attract my attention. Generally they are fueled by emotion… However, i will do my best to ignore them.”[/color] he said, shaking her hand when she put hers in his. He gripped hers in a strong hold, clearly putting stock in a good handshake. [color=orange]”A pleasure.”[/color] He gave her a charming smile, picking up Glaber’s cage once more. [color=orange]”He seems to sleep all day. However, while there are cats, of all shapes and sizes around, I think I’ll keep him asleep. He might freak out.”[/color] he said, letting himself trail off as he noted that Headmaster Wayne, and the other administrative staff were making their way out of the main building. He couldn’t help but chuckle at their thoughts. It amazed him how childish the adults could be. He couldn’t fathom what was going through Jean Gray’s head, to taunt Pamela Isley so. That was going to be an enjoyable game of cat and mouse to watch. [color=orange]”if you’re interested in Bruce Wayne, I could tell you all I know about him. Which is, well… everything.”[/color] he said absently, once more responding to Lavi’s thoughts without meaning to. When he realised what he had done, Barca was mildly embarrassed. He would have to be more careful. It was just… well, trying when there was so many people around. And he hadn’t quite closed his mind against it since trying to read Naevia’s mind. That damn dog… [color=orange]”I apologise. I’ll be more mindful in the future”[/color] But she was gone, and Barca was a little relieved, it was oddly exhausting talking right then. With so many thoughts around him… Barca was looking forward to a little bit of a rest. He shifted, looking towards the doors as they opened.