[center][h2][color=crimson][b]Tholl[/b][/color][/h2][/center][hr] She gave a halfhearted glare at Sonia when she attempted to defend her choice of beverage. Unless she was the worst lightweight the world had ever seen she wouldn't be properly intoxicated from a few sips, but if that were grounds for exclusion then every working joe would be knocking back sips of whiskey with their lunch. Still, it was hard not to understand the first day jitters, and following a murder, there were worse ways to cope with stress. [color=crimson]"I can gather that you aren't impaired, but you still shouldn't drink coffee for lunch. Save that for after your classes when you aren't so supervised, okay?"[/color] Tholl waited patiently for her to enjoy the smoothie, and was gladdened that Sonia didn't ask what kind of meat was within. Contrary to what most students thought, they would have need for money, and those who took that lesson to heart would realize that quality meals came part and parcel with managing their own wealth. Just looking around she could tell by the meals before them that some students either had no regard for it and either subsisted off meager rations or blew all their money on the most expensive cafeteria food they could find. Then there were the ones who prepared their own meals, and were rather shabby to say the least. [color=crimson]"I'm looking forward to telling them the pitiful Dawn Slayer salary later in the year."[/color] Tholl remarked offhandedly, a dreamy smile on her face while her eyes followed Circe's back, no doubt trying to find some privacy with her conspirators. A 'Daddy Long Legs' as they are commonly known skittered along the rafters, it's pinprick of a body and narrow legs unseen unless with intense observation while it kept pace with the group of inquisitive students. The divine spider was drawn from thought and plot by a polite question from the ever so nervous Sonia Weaver. [color=crimson]"Oh don't mention it. I bring plenty in case I want to spike Mako's thermos when she isn't looking....don't tell her that. I have her convinced it's Yurius."[/color] [color=crimson]"Anyhow, I suppose you could say every spider here with the exception of you is my brood. Though I've got more kids then I can count globally. And subterranean if you count the Drow...Oh, but if you mean Arachne, then there's only my darling Danessa. Pride and joy of my life since she came out of my wife. Though she's a bit too young for Hikari, and she's not interested in the Dawn Slayer business anyway. Takes more after her mother then me in that regard-"[/color] She could have gushed for the entire lunch period about her family as any proud parent would, yet even she had to stop and straighten up when the uncontrollable twitching of one student in particular brought more eyes then would be appropriate upon them. If it were anyone else Tholl would have assumed it was some epileptic seizure, yet foreknowledge and the fact they were somehow eating through their spasms had her scowling instead. If Tholl didn't know for certain what the murderer was on campus, she'd have called Mr. Strivelyn suspect numero uno. But it wasn't like she could judge him with any efficacy considering the family she married into, but damn did she want to call an exorcist when he started acting like this surrounded by fresh faced students. [color=crimson]"Sonia. I understand I hold no power over you beyond the teacher/student relationship, but if you need to talk then I'll be here to listen. I'm not a councilor, but given our needs, I can help."[/color] Tholl said, knowing it may be seen as unprofessional to favor a student because of their species, but when was she going to have another spider in Hikari?