[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=slategray][center]10[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/295154370/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Everything was happening too quickly. First, the news of no supplies hit him hard. How the hell were they supposed to tend to any of their wounds without supplies? If they were in a war, they'd need to be prepared for every kind of medical emergency. His eyes moved to the younger girl and he only managed a small nod of his head. Yet, how good was a doctor if he didn't have any supplies? Nine's suggestion of robbing a place caught his interest. Raising a brow, he looked over at her and studied the woman. She was becoming more interesting to him by the second. The sound of something mechanical opening caught his ear. The others seemed to hear the noise as well as they all turned towards the source. Folding his arms across his chest, Ten turned and watched as two additional pods unleashed their hostages. Seeing the men caused his brows to furrow. Women, he could handle. But men? He didn't need the added testosterone to the group. Clearing his throat, he opened his mouth to speak to the newcomers before they beat him to the punch. Ten was fine with the first one to speak. The man had an edge to him, but didn't seem completely out of it. The other, however, rubbed his nerves raw. Narrowing his eyes, he took a step forward and placed himself between the men and the girls. He raised his right hand, palm up, towards eleven and tilted his head. [color=slategray]"Hey! Language, man. There are ladies present, you asshat."[/color]