[quote=@Apple] They're handcuffed with plastic handcuffs. They seem quite strong. The warship approaches. It parks up parallel to the other side of the container ship. Text on the side of it is visible "P62. TNS Flagcel." A modern edition of the pirate plank is extended from the warship to the container ship and the ship's crew are ordered across it. There are only 4 sailors on deck, 2 in black camo attire with automatic weapons and two are in bleak grey overalls. However the deck is still covered in turrets with guns of varying calibers, and what appears to be the lid of a very large arrangement of missile silos. The ship is of contemporary late 21st century design. Very flat surfaces with only a few radars and cameras afforded near the bridge. The crew are sent to a small cell, clearly not designed in the usual sense for 10 people, maybe about 2. There is no window outside and nothing inside the cell. It's very dark but that doesn't seem to annoy the robot that slowly drives by every minute. ## After about 30 minutes seagulls can be heard outside. Land ahoy. ## The sailors are forced back out to the deck, still handcuffed. The ship appears to be moored at a small naval base. Two other ships are also moored. They disembark the ship and enter the main building and are lead to a large office. There, two officials, one with a very different outfit to the other is behind a desk. The sailors are made sit on the cold floor. One of the men speak out "WHO ARE YOU?" The 6 soldiers on each side of the wall tense up and look slightly worried. [/quote] "We are sailors in service of the Yathon Corp. We are here to deliver a gift of weapons and open Trade Relations with this Nation." One of the sailors swiftly but calmly responds. "We hope this minor incident can be resolved swiftly as Yathon wants to open relations swiftly and efficiently so trade can start at it's soonest." [quote=@Aceofreality] The soldiers grin to eachother. "I will inform those who are at a...certain location of a [i]suitable[/i] location." the leader states. The others wait around. The leader runs off to go inform his various superiors and those of equal rank about such an area. Such a place, is called Muriva city, there is a port nearby aswell. The superiors give the orders for a large military presence to be stationed there and to be ready for battle. The leader of those soldiers is dismissed. A bird is dispatched, giving the location of such a harbor. Once the ferries are there, the Yahupi are in waiting. A few of the leaders wait for things to be unloaded perhaps. They are ready for this plan. [/quote] The ship docks at one of the piers, and starts unloading several crates of cargo using an on-board crane. [quote=@Aceofreality] Meanwhile, in the Federation the 2nd Commander watches as these things are unloaded. The Federation's people there take note of who the people unloading these things look like. The 2nd Commander walks up and introduces herself to these people, extending a hand of friendship to them. She asks how these Firearms are operated, and she asks what the Federation can offer in return. Gold or silver coins perhaps. She has dark blue eyes, somewhat of a tall stature, with a purple and white uniform, a lightish brown color to it. Her hair is done in a bun shape. She looks young, but not too young. [/quote] She is greeted by a person wearing a captain's uniform, but with a white, featureless mask covering all but their mouth. "Good Afternoon. The weapons come with instruction manuals, anyone possessing the skill of 'reading' should be capable of learning how to operate these weapons for purpose that include, but are not limited to, killing their opponents." The 'captain' says, with a dull, monotonous voice. "As for payment, the definition of a gift states that the gifting party does not expect something in return, which applies here as well. Yathon does not seek to be paid for this gift, but would like to establish non-hostile trade relations between this nation and Yathon itself." [quote=@CmdrAlfieq] One of the Conscriptors step forward and explaining their intended role in response. "Actually no sir, we're doing on a part time job working at the Erksterm docks just to earn an extra living. Our main duty is to find and to recruit freshly new volunteers, and then pressed them into our military, hence the reason why we're named the Conscriptors, derived from an actual word called the conscription." The Conscriptor pull out his notepad and to do his own list. "If you really want to find someone whom in charge of the docks, you can go and visit at the Erksterm Port Authority Center near at the Master Harbour Bay, two points at the right from the Brescal Avenue. However, if you want to consent a foreign relations with the Republic, you can go to the Ministry of Foreign Relations & Intervention at the capital of Veilletes Republic and give your reasoning and appointment of your stances." He'll then check marked the stuffs that he was previously completed his job at the Erksterm Harbour. [/quote] The 'captain' nods, and heads to find the aforementioned Ministry. [quote=@CmdrAlfieq] The AA armed dockworkers are beginning to haul those field guns from the ship of Yathon and delivers to a firing range for testing its equipment. The relation officer of AA was awaiting for someone to represent as the ambassador of Yathon Corp and then told to meeting them at the Port Authority for discussion with trades and the relations of AA. [/quote] Out of the ship step three persons wearing fancy suits, black hats, and white, featureless masks that leave only their mouths exposed. They bow when they see the officer. "Good Afternoon, we are representatives of the Yathon Corp and we would like to establish trade relations between our nations."