[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Loading Arc...[/color][/h1][/center] [quote=@Cerces22] ...[color=f49ac2]"Yes, hello professor!! Primus Champin Liz speaking, please accuse, my poor English. I was curus as to the therees to how this hapen?? And when we catch all the Pokemon, what will becom of them?? I have looked in this planet, and they constanly fight each udder. The land we are in now, no ofens to those that have givin us a place to stay, the pepoll don't even trus own gufernmen. How can we, and what effert is bing made to get us ome??"[/color] She said as best she could. [/quote] Professor Juniper listened to Liz's question with a soft smile. [b]"Those are some good questions indeed. Let's see, as for how this happened... we don't know... As an expert in Pokemon origins, my focus is on legendary Pokemon such as [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Arceus_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Arceus[/url], as well as [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Palkia_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Palkia[/url] and [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dialga_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Dialga[/url]. Theoreticly, those three Pokemon have the ability to make this all happen. But there are many theories floating around, some having nothing to do with Pokemon, and some hybrid theories involving both Pokemon and phenomenon from this world. Once we figure this mystery out, we will hopefully be able to figure out how to return home. Now to the other side of your question, the care of Pokemon and trustworthyness of this planet's people. These are understandable concerns, but we are all in the same situation. So in order to figure this all out, we must work together in good faith. As to what will happen to Pokemon after they are caught... this is still being disscussed. Mainly, we're waiting to find out how long we'll be on this planet. If it's short term, we'll just keep the Pokemon in suspended animation inside their Pokeball's till we can figure out how to go home. If we can't find a way home in the next year or so, we'll start moving Pokemon to regions in this world, where they can live peacefully in habitats that support their needs. I'm terribly sorry, but that is all we know at this point. Are there any other questions?"[/b] By the end of her answer, whispers had already started circulating the room. A short pause and then she finished. [b]"Okay then. I'm sure everyone is excited to be reunited with their Pokemon. On the way out of the room you will be given new Pokeballs, enough to hold whatever Pokemon came with you. You'll also be given what is called a "credit card". You will be able to use it to buy food at restraunts, new clothes, or whatever you like. For the rest of the month, you are all free to do whatever you like in this city. We'll meet again in what they call April to begin working with the new trainer canidates from this world."[/b] With that, the room was dismissed. Professor Juniper watched with a smile as everyone eagerly filed out of the room, grabbing their Pokeballs and credit card on the way. [hr][hr] [quote=@Cerces22] ...Other people where already turning in her test, but rushing to get done would do her no good. With just a few minutes left Circe walked up and turned it in, and waited to be led to the practical exam, wondering when she would meet her first pokemon. [/quote] The cold air greeted Circe and the 99 others as they all walked outside. This was most defininately a military training complex. Before her stood a field about the size of a football field. Scattered about were numerous obstical runs, and around it all was a running track. This part of her exam was explained to her by a sturdy looking man wearing a plain grey sweatsuit. He explained with all the authority of a drill sergeant... Each person would run the obstacle course. Along the way, they would have to make regular stops at spots where they would attempt to tie knots, pitch tents, start a fire, and demonstrate other survival techniques. Scattered across the course were transplanted trees, flowers, and bushes from all over the world. At the end of the course, an examiner with a clipboard would approach each person to see if they could identify any of the plants they passed. They would run the course in groups of ten, and it would take everyone an estimated hour and a half to finish it all. When finished, they would break for lunch and then continue with the last part of the exams.