[@Storybookandco][@KatherinWinter] Daniel made an inquisitive noise from the back of his throat as he examined the four kids under the effect of some kind of spell. He stared at them a moment, watching the unnatural glow that surrounded them. "Yeah," he said with a sigh. "I'll take care of them." He pulled a bottle of black powder out of his jacket and strode into the crowd, carefully pushing his way through the clueless amount of students, faculty, and others. He popped the lid of the powder and spread it over his hands with a clap. A thick haze of smoke began to appear around him and the four. [i]'This spell,'[/i] he recalled. [i]'Is able to cut any magical connections that exist without the necessity of seeing the spell-caster, it's pretty easy to counter, but it's also pretty hard to detect, to any outsiders it simply looks like the people inside the cloud had just disappeared.'[/i] Just in case one of the men inside the circle had been the one to cast it, he spread the smoke around each of the four men, keeping their faces visible. He pulled out his own memory eraser device and flashed it at the four, repeating word-for-word what Jericho had said to the crowd before. Well, almost word for word. "You understand me ya mooks? Yeah, now you get it. Also, this smoke haze? You were smoking dope, don't do that again, trust me." After finishing that, he dispelled the haze with a wave of his arms. He turned back towards Jericho and offered him a thumbs up, beginning to make his way through the crowd once more.