With the campfire 'chat' out of the way Sully had resorted to finding as comfortable and protected a place as he could to sleep. The man mountain known to him only as Soldier had volunteered for first watch. Throughout his years as a hunter Sully had done numerous stake outs and in one instance stayed perfectly still for thirty three hours waiting for the perfect moment to take out a bandit leader from distance. Still, having only met these people recently, skillsets were still to be discovered and he was sure that after some time Soldier could wome to rely on him. As his good eye scouted around, Sully found a large crooked tree. What made it stand out from the rest of those nearby was the large hole at the base of its trunk. He looked it over up close and it was clear it wasn't home to any of the 'wonderful' creatures of the wasteland. The hole itself was a fair size, enough so that Sully only had to crouch to get into it. It wasn't enough to entirely hide him from the elements, but enough so that his torso was protected. When he made his way in he removed Widowmaker from over his shoulder, bringing her to rest on his lap when he finally sat down. His back rested comfortably against the innards of the tree, his thick jacket with its fur lining providing a soft padding. He looked out at the others from his soon to be bed, Sylvia catching his eye after the brief confrontation they shared around the camp fire. She made light of his traumatic experience with molerats and he retorted by threatening to take her drugs. All in all he didn't have a dislike of her, to him she was just a product of years of drug abuse. That didn't mean he was going to let her have things easy after what happened earlier. [color=olivedrab]'[i]She needs to sort herself out before she becomes a liability...[/i]'[/color] As that thought entered his mind there was a commotion from the other side of the caravan. A blood curdling scream followed, the sort that makes a person know that something extremely bad has happened. [color=olivedrab]'[i]Shit...[/i]'[/color] Sully quickly emerged from the base of the tree and bolted around the caravan, managing to keep his footing as loose stones beneath his feet gave way. His eye quickly surveyed the area, taking in the scene. The body of the boy Isaac lay headless next to the caravan, blood freely pouring from the wound. The boys head rested close to the body, it's expression hidden by the darkness. Sully approached the corpse and looked around the floor for any distinctive footprints. Unfortunately, whatever had killed the boy had run through it's own footprints, making them unrecognisable. What caught his eye was the two clearly human boot prints nearby. Sully turned back to the caravan and did a quick check of who he could still see. It was then he realised Soldier and Rocket were missing, [color=olivedrab][i]'Great...just what we need...'[/i][/color] As the minutes passed the group discussed a plan of action, the eventual agreement being for a group to go after Rocket and Soldier while the rest guarded the caravan. Nearest to the forest was Sylvia, her agitation and rush to move on was more to do with her addiction than a worry of the missing, that was what Sully thought at least. She piped up again, [color=0076a3]"Vix? Felix? Whoever? Yeah? We ready?" [/color] Sully let out a very audible sigh before rising to his feet. The groups medic, who just so happened to be a super mutant, picked up the boys severed head and examined the wound. After a moment he then spoke. [color=palegreen]"I will stay behind and help bury the boy. My size will only be a detriment in there. Be wary. Whatever killed him has claws, and it wasn't a silverfish. Something large did this. Find Soldier, you'll need his fighting skills, and Rocket as we don't want to explode."[/color] Sully acknowledged Frankie with a nod and added to what he said. [color=olivedrab]"I've looked at the footprints leading into the forest. We have two pairs which I can safely assume is Rocket and Soldier. The other set are pretty much indecipherable. Whatever it was walked back over it's own tracks. As the big guy says though, it's definitely something big. Best case, i'm thinking Yao Guai. Worst case...well...that'd be a deathclaw."[/color] He paused for a moment, turning to look at the forest. [color=olivedrab]"I'm going to look for Rocket and Soldier. Once we find them the creature comes next, it's best to get this fucker now just in case it decides to follow us."[/color] Turning back to the group one more Sully continued on. [color=olivedrab]"So far we have me and the addict going to look for the guys."[/color] The dig at Sylvia wasn't necessary but he still felt like he owed her a few. [color=olivedrab]"I suggest T, Vix and Felix...you guys come with us. The rest of you can stay here."[/color] As he waiting for the others to answer he turned his attention back to the forest. [color=olivedrab][i]'This is going to be interesting...'[/i][/color]