[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180315/66f06d7f3351cb2107bab835ec4821e0.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Qil4KUwwnv1TO/giphy.gif[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Featuring [color=ba314c]Katie Callaghan[/color] & [color=7eff9a]Noah Nichols[/color] Location: After School, The Streets of Beverly Hills[/color][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Katie stormed through the halls of BHHS, her footsteps echoing through the halls, the loud clap of her shoes on linoleum the only noise in the empty halls. She was pissed. Scott Lyon was a piece of shit, and she was done with him and this stupid game she entertained him with. From now on, Scott Lyon was dead to her. That was a promise. Outside the school, sitting near the flagpole, Noah was waiting for Katie. Most days, if he didn’t have anything else to do after school, he went around with Katie to her extracurriculars, never really taking part in the activities, just waiting for Katie. Then, they’d go over to her house and hang out or study, until his mom or dad or Uncle Oli picked him up. Today though, Katie was in Chess Club, and Noah hated being in Chess Club with her. Noah wasn’t one for confrontation, or fights in general, so being around Katie and Scott was a generally unpleasant time for him. That meant that today, he was outside, green oil pastel in hand, sketching away in his sketchbook, oblivious to the rest of his surroundings as color flowed out of him and onto the page. Katie’s arrival, while loud and dramatic, aka, a typical Katie arrival, Noah was still frightened when she tapped him on the shoulder. [color=ba314c][b]”Hey, you ready?”[/b][/color] she said as she did so, causing Noah to practically leap into the air. [color=ba314c][b]”What were you drawing?”[/b][/color] she asked, having noticed the bright green color bleeding onto the pages of his sketchbook. Noah quickly shut the book and focused on the ground, retreating into himself, his face growing red. [color=7eff9a][b]”N-n-nothing. Nothing. Just, trees.”[/b][/color] he said. He told Katie everything. Really, everything. But this, this was something that he, for whatever reason, kept buried deep down. This wasn’t a secret for the world. This was his, and his alone. No one could know. Ever. Katie fixed him with a look, the classical Katie Stare, the one that said, ‘I know you’re lying,’ but dropped the topic nevertheless. While that may work on Jamie and Joy and everyone else, Noah was different. He knew where to hide so that that stare never found him. He was interesting like that. [color=ba314c][b]”You will never fucking believe what Scott said today!”[/b][/color] Katie exclaimed, much to Noah’s relief. He didn’t like lying. As they walked away from the campus, towards Katie’s home, Katie ranted about Scott. [color=ba314c][b]”He said [i]I[/i] was unoriginal! Like, has he looked in the mirror lately? And he’s so obsessed with why I don’t have a fucking boyfriend! It’s like, he doesn’t realize that some people don’t need to be getting laid all the fucking time to survive. Some of us don’t need the distraction of a boyfriend!”[/b][/color] Katie raved, her hands flying about as she relayed her and Scott’s fight to Noah. Despite Noah’s nods and sounds of affirmation, he was elsewhere. His mind had wandered, as it so often did, into another place entirely. New to this place, was a boy, with bright green hair and snakebites. He was there, in the middle of a field, glowing green, like he was bursting with energy, the same picture he kept painting over and over. He sighed, out loud and Katie turned. Oh shit. He hadn’t meant that one. Katie turned to look at him. By now they were walking up her driveway, towards her front door. [color=ba314c][b]”What?”[/b][/color] she asked. Something was up with Noah, she could tell. She’d known him for years, she could tell when something was wrong. He was always spacey, but today he was walking on the moon. [color=ba314c][b]”Noah, something’s definitely up,”[/b][/color] she said, doing her best to pry the information out of him. Noah shook his head, looking Katie in the eyes. [color=7eff9a][b]”I’m good! I just was thinking that you and Scott should just date already,”[/b][/color] he lied, doing his best to get her on a topic that he knew would keep her occupied. He knew her too well sometimes. Katie’s eyes went wide and she turned back around, opening her front door and leading Noah upstairs to her room. [color=ba314c][b]”I would [i]never[/i] even consider, dating that piece of trash. He’s such a little weasel! No fucking thank you!”[/b][/color] Katie said passionately, flopping on her bed. She brought her head up slightly and looked over at Noah, a worried expression on her face. [color=ba314c][b]”You sure you’re good Noah?”[/b][/color] [color=7eff9a][b]”Everything’s fine,”[/b][/color] Noah replied, taking a seat at her desk. [color=ba314c][b]”If you say so,”[/b][/color] Katie said, getting up and walking over to her closet. [color=ba314c][b]”Now, let’s find something for me to wear to this party, then we’ll raid Jamie’s closet for you!”[/b][/color]