Ratte felt surprisingly alive and awake. She supposed it was her mind buzzing with questions, annoyance and debate. Their leader had disappeared and for no real reason. Ratte was certain that Roxy had better fighting skills than her and had more stamina. She had crept up on Ratte, who had declared herself queen lack-of-surprise to anyone that had listened. So why forfeit the fight like she had? There was also a new person here. She didn't trust him. She was certain now that he wasn't trying to claim their gold for his own, but she still had her doubts. She let her eyes drift over him. He was unusual; all white to her darkness, yet beneath the exterior she sensed the history that he had built himself on. She sighed and looked back down at the barrels of gold they had managed to acquire. She had stuffed her satchel full of gold coins and hidden a few in her boots. The rest remained in the barrel and she sat watching it, perplexed. In her hand, she held a small knife and she flicked it absent-mindedly. She hadn't thought about the sheer amount of gold that they would be getting - she had expected a few gems that she could pawn off later, but never this much. She didn't have anywhere to put it. She would have to hide it somewhere. "That's it..." she mumbled, "I'm becoming a pirate." She looked across at Kai, "Hey kid, how do you make a treasure map?" she asked, flicking the knife and catching it, "I want to hide my treasure..." [@King Tai][@KatherinWinter][@Raptra][@Sleeth]