[hider= Headmaster Hava Lucianus] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=Red][center]Hava Lucianus [/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsw25vwhCk1qgv8i2o1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Red][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Red]Name:[/color] Hava ‘aka Haven’ Lucianus[/b] [b][color=Red]Age: [/color]She lost count long ago[/b] [b][color=Red]Species:[/color] Werewolf [/b] [b][color=Red]Sexuality:[/color]Her door swings both ways[/b] [b][color=Red]Relationship Status:[/color] Nothing committed [/b] [hr][center][img]Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=Red][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Red]Height: 5’2 [/color][/b] [b][color=Red]Build:[/color] Lean and athletic[/b] [b][color=Red]Eyes:[/color]Bright Green and slightly animalistic looking[/b] [b][color=Red]Hair:[/color] Black[/b] [b][color=Red]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color] Haven has many scars from her years being alive. See written out appearance.[/b] [b] Time has left Haven with many scars over the years. No one as old as herself would be alive this long if she didn't have the scars to prove the fights she survived. She has one long scar that goes from her hip to the top of her rib cage. A set of three claw marks stretches across the left side of her neck, and her lower left arm has burns marks covering it. When transformed, the hair no longer grows on that arm. Her hair is a pitch black color and goes down to the stop of her shoulder. Deep green eyes peek out at people under long black lashes, sometimes making her seem so innocent while other times evoking fear in people. When in wolf form, she is actually bigger than most werewolves, and also out matches most with her strength and speed. In human form she stands at a mere 5'2. Since most of her clothing gets destroyed when she changes, Haven often just wears simple black and white tank tops and a pair of cutoff jean shorts. Since opening the school, Adrian has tried to get her to wear better clothes so that she can be more presentable. Lately she has taken to wearing a black button down shirt and black slacks. She sometimes has a tie on, but it is always loose and always looks like she just threw it on. [/b] [hr][center][img]Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=Red][center]Personality[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][i][color=Red]Hot Tempered [/color] * [color=Red] Sarcastic[/color] * [color=Red]Stubborn [/color] * [/i][/center] [b][color=Red]Personality:[/color] Even in her old age, Haven struggles with herself on a day to day basis. The werewolf in her causes her to be a lot like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She has her moments when she can be nice and even loving, but when angered can raise hell. It doesn't take much, even just one word causes her to lose her control of her temper. She has a very sarcastic sense of humor and lets whatever is on her mind come out of her mouth. Some think it is just her trying to be an asshole, but really it is a defense so that people don't see how much she struggles with the inner demon inside of her. She becomes more sardonic the closer she comes to changing form. When Haven is in battle she is one of the most viscous creatures you may ever see. She shows her truth ancient strength in these moments and will tear through anything standing in her way. Despite their differences and past troubles, Adrian is a very important person in her life. They have had their ups and downs, and even went centuries irritated at each other, but in the end they have realized that they are much the same. Since their alliance he has kept her held together over the years and was the only thing that helped her from going absolutely mad. She is jealous of him to an extent since he has far more control over himself than she could ever dream of. Ever since her arm was burned, she has had a pretty great fear of fire. It one of the few things that can actually scare her. [/b] [b][color=Red]Habits:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Meditates with Adrian just before dawn [*] Disappears into the woods every night when it gets dark. She comes back after a few hours [*] Wanders the school each morning [/list] [b][color=Red]Strengths:[/color][/b] [list][*]Ancient mind, which makes her rather smart [*] Protective [*]Can recall every memory has ever had [/list] [b][color=Red]Weakness:[/color][/b] [list][*] Being hot headed [*] Not very trusting [*] Fire [/list] [b][color=Red]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Attractive people [*] Music [*] Being alone with herself [/list] [b][color=Red]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Stupid People [*] Fire [*] Sleep [/list] [hr][center][img]Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=Red][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b] There is too much history to cover on one page. Hava and Hadrianus were the first of their kind. No one knows or understands what it was that caused them to be born the way they were, they don’t even know how they came to be. Most called them cursed back in those days. Demons brought to life by Lucifer to punish mankind for being God's favorites. They have been around since humanity restarted after the great flood. Oddly enough to two of them were born the exact same day as each other and grew up not far from the other. They spent most of their lives on the run with their families, until they were the only ones left. Both stopped again around their mid-20s, so they have looked the same for centuries upon centuries. They crossed pass a few decades after being born and were almost relieved to find some as strange and unique as themselves. They stuck together for some time after that since what had remained of their families had died off and both felt alone in the world. Sometime during their years together something happened between the two of them that started The Great War. Both split ways and pitted their kind against each other despite their tight relationship beforehand. During that time some speculated their feud had to do with a woman that one of them had turned that they had both fallen in love with. Others thought it was over a lover affair that the two of them had, but neither of the two would come out with the truth. It still remains a mystery to this day, even though their bond is stronger than ever. [/b] [hr][center][img]Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=Red][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Red]Advice To The World:[/color]Think before you speak to me. Don’t waste my time with stupid shit or I’ll bite your head off. [/b] [b][color=Red]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider]