[quote=someoneelse]You're acting like we literally 'let them back in to go free' dropping them in the nearest public park with a free hand grenade and an AK-47.[/quote] [url=https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/07/world/canada/omar-khadr-apology-guantanamo-bay.html]That's more Canada's deal.[/url] The UK is a democratic country and obviously not everyone speaks for everyone, but [url=http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-41717394]at least some of the leaders there know the stakes.[/url] I can't find it NOW, but I read one of BBC's in-depth stories about the de-radicalization strategies y'all have running, and I have mixed feelings about how realistic the goals are, but it honestly sounds like the UK has its head on straight on this whole terrorism game (and why not, they've been in GWOT as long as us, as hard as us, on just as personal a level as us, it follows that the government is plenty serious). [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3624059/Arrests-offensive-social-media-posts-soar-police-target-internet-trolls.html]I think the censorship argument is worth having though.[/url] There's a [i]loooooot[/i] of arrests over what should be free speech, to this American's eyes.