The raven headed woman on white sterile sheets stirred with a grumpy snarl that did not fit her doll like appearance. The constant beep of something made the small figure stir again and growl. Mornings- or waking up, in general- were not Alice Lynch's specialty. Green eyes opened sleepily, as blurry images slowly solidified. Curtains were the first thing she took notice of, then the fact they were horribly white and had absolutely no style to them. The second thing was the ache in her head, it was a constant irritation. Pushing herself to sit up, Alice looked dumbfounded at the room about her. One hand straying to poke at the IV that was inserted into one arm. It hurt. Spying herself in the reflection of the window, her already pale face went white as the sheets she was surrounded by. Her reflect stared back with frightened green eyes, her black hair mussed into a messy tangle that fell about her in waves and curls. Her delicate features and doll like appearance making her thinking for a minute that this had to be some sick joke. That the bandages over her shoulder and neck were just some sick prank her family had pulled. But her family didn't even care enough to pull jokes, and if they did it would be aimed not at her health or appearance but her business. Laying a hand over the wound, Alice gave a soft sob. The memories flooding back. The red headed man with piercing blue eyes. The black coat she had spent a month perfecting with the silver design she had spent even more time perfecting. The wicked, lying smile. Tears traced down her cheeks as Alice shook. The sound of sharp heels on the floor. "Oh my! You're awake! How are you feeling dear?" Alice looked at the shocked nurse and gave her a small smile. Then she did what her family did. She lied. She lied to the nurse, saying her was feeling better. Hiding the ache in her stomach, the drums in her head. She lied in the tears she wept when she claimed not to remember what happened. The nurses and doctors had frowned and suggested she remained. But Alice begged, pleaded, and swore to take it easy and rest, and still they refused. Leaving Alice to sit in her bed, staring at the ceiling and dwelling in her misery. Alice smiled at the mirrored window, her head pounding and her body wanting to curl up in the fetal position. "Hello, I am Alice Lynch." She whispered again and again. Practicing the lie, trying to shake off the horror. But she heard each and every time. [i]"Liam, Liam Enduro."[/i] From that once flattering voice.