“Hah! Finally! Let’s go Feast!” The journey to the location written in the quest was utterly boring, but the pay off was worth it in the end. A dozen mighty looking warriors facing off against a ragtag group who Shatter assumed was the other guild members. Feast sleepily roused from her slumber as Shatter was looking for a high location to observe the fighting. When she had the vantage point, Shatter took out her great crimson blade. Rising it into the air the blade cracked before exploding into more than four dozen shards. But instead of falling to the ground these shards rose up into the air and transformed into sleek, blood red swords. They looked like thinner, smaller versions of Shatter’s normal sword. Then with no warning or mercy her blades rained down upon the backs and heads of the Varjan Warriors. And though it wasn’t really Shatter’s intention, Magnus was mostly safe from the rain if swords thanks to the champion’s body unwittingly shielding him. But Shatter wasn’t just going to let her swords have all the fun. She charged right in, grasping two shard swords and swung towards any warrior who came within reach. Even as the blades pierced and slashed their bodies, they would not bleed nor would they feel pain, but that didn’t mean her attacks did nothing. From their wounds their very energies were being drained and their bodies would become sluggish yet satisfied, almost as if they truly did just gone through an epic and exhilarating battle. At the same time Feast, though she was still only half awake, was feeding off their energies leaking from their wounds. This energy she used to keep Shatter healthy and strong. And as long as Shatter kept fighting and cutting down her foes Feast can absorb this energy and give it to her dear friend. “Ah ha ha ha ha! More! Give me more!”