Cs Name: Dante Gender: Male Age: 20 Species: Human Room Number: 346 Rooming With: Sky Alignment: Neutral Evil [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/swr7s4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/14vpo44.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Dante is a carefree person. He doesn't care about anyone, including himself. He is also cocky. He loves a good challenge. He loves the chance to become stronger whenever he can. He will do anything for power. He is very short tempered and when he loses his temper, he won't hesitate to show his enemies fear. Bio: Dante killed his own parents simply because they angered him. He then stole his fathers watch, which was actually armour when the watch was activated. He later heard of an academy which would make him stronger. So, he quickly joined the academy so he could become even stronger than he already is. Power 1: He is psychic. Power 2: He can use a variety different magic types. Markings: None Family: Dead Friends: None Sentimental Attachment: The watch which can become powerful armour. Other: