[@Ariamis] [hr] [color=f26522]"Thanks!"[/color] Makoto told her robotic helper just as she saw what appeared to be the time mage from before leap up and deck a Gorelion. [color=f26522]Strange...[/color] The girl she had seen seemed to be gone with this new, similar magi in her place. The attack gave off the appearance of time magic, or incredible Redirected Magic and Healing or Warding to keep from shattering their own body under the stress. Regardless, she didn't have time to ponder it as the Gorelions became much more ferocious and attacked, one grappling Penny with its rather gross tongue. Luckily, Makoto only needed a single shot from the robot to become a force of devastation. She quickly sped up the railgun shot further by accelerating its, well, its acceleration, and used her gravity magic to create several moving pockets of warped gravity allowing her to control the blast via the pulls and pushes of the gravity wells. The blast quickly returned to the ship straight through the middle of the Gorelion attacking Penny before Makoto had to let go for lack of control. She cursed her focus on hand to hand in her training, surely she could have spent some time on scenarios like this, she thought. Nonetheless, she wouldn't allow herself to make herself useless. There was no running from this buffet for her.