Weapon was stirred by a throbbing sensation in his head. He couldn't even recall what had happened to cause such pain. All he could recall was that one moment he had been camping in a cave in the early hours of the morning before his mastiff had begun growling, and when he had taken the liberty of inspecting the entrance, everything went black, and now? Now his dog was gone and he was in another prison. Weapon was not a man to willingly be put in a cage, and it only took him a few seconds to perceive his surroundings. Torches. Boxes. Cages. Figures [i]within[/i] those cages. [i]A key.[/i] As fate would have it, what he assumed to be his freedom sat only several feet beyond his set of iron bars, and whatever beings had brought him here had made the mistake of putting him in a large enough container for him to have just over a meter of space around him. They'd taken his armor and gear, of course, but even the most thorough of captors couldn't anticipate just what they'd come across. From a seated position, Weapon held out his right hand to his side, closed his eyes, and channeled his energy. He saw the faintest hint of a glow, which would've been drowned out by the torches in the room if not for the fact that it was directly next to him, and felt his greatsword return to his hand. He didn't take the time to pat himself on the back however, and quickly set to work. While grabbing the business end of a greatsword with both hands wasn't usually a good idea, Weapon did so in order to maneuver the pommel of the blade over the key's black iron ring and drag it towards him. With a twist of the wrist, Weapon managed to catch the ring when it began its fall. To his relief, the key fit perfectly in the lock on the other side of his cage. Before he had the chance to survey the room in earnest however, he could see one of the four captive strangers he shared the space with begin to rouse themselves. [hider=Das Rolls] Perception: 12 + 3 = 15 (Success) Dexterity: 18 + 2 = 20 (Success) [/hider]