[b][color=F4A460]E'nasha Williams[/color][/b] ~ [i]Twilight College[/i][hr] With the Cook's okay, E'nasha spent the rest of the day running around the College grounds, trying her hardest to catch the little ferret-like creature. No wonder the Cooks had been so frustrated- the thing was a sneaky little trickster! E'nasha had managed to get it umpteen times- or so she'd thought. Somehow, even when she'd been [i]certain[/i] she had it trapped in a corner or under a vine, the little guy just wasn't there. Now, as the sun began to set and shadows fell over the grounds, she finally decided to give up for today. She knew it was around here somewhere, but no matter how hard she'd tried, she just couldn't figure out how the creature kept getting away. As she walked into the dining hall she found El'kan already waiting for her. They each grabbed a plate of food while E'nasha began to recount everything she'd just gone through to her friend. [color=F4A460]"It was like it was teleporting or something! One second there, then gone in the next."[/color] She exclaimed between bites of food. El'kan just laughed. [color=A0522D]"Well, it sounds like you had a fun day then. Although, that kinda reminds me,"[/color] He paused to take a piece of bread and rip it apart before continuing, [color=A0522D]"How are you?"[/color] [color=F4A460]"I'm fine, just a bit frustrated at all this. I think I'm gonna try again tomorrow, maybe."[/color] She sighed as El'kan continued, realizing what he'd actually meant by the question a bit too late. [color=A0522D]"Yeah, it sounds like that little ferret had you on a wild goose chase, but-"[/color] She interrupted him. She didn't want to talk about Yarosmere at all right now. She'd been chasing the ferret to try and [i]distract[/i] herself from the whole thing in the first place. [color=F4A460]"I'm actually honestly surprised I didn't run into you during all that. What did you do after I left?"[/color] [color=A0522D]"I just hung out in our room, remember?"[/color] El'kan seemed to get the hint as he continued. [color=A0522D]"I was actually studying for a little while too."[/color] [color=F4A460]"Wha? You, study?"[/color] E'nasha smiled as she continued teasing him. [color=F4A460]"Careful, my bookworminess is spreading."[/color] [color=A0522D]"Oh ha ha. I just figured I might have missed something important while we were gone- which, speaking of, I'm not gonna go on the next mission with you."[/color] [color=F4A460]"Wait, Why not? We were always gonna go together- that was your idea in the first place!"[/color] [color=A0522D]"Yeah but, I just..."[/color] He trailed off and the two of them sat in silence for a bit, while E'nasha waited for him to continue. [color=A0522D]"I need a break. I don't really want you to go either but,"[/color] [color=F4A460]"You know I like the adventure of it all."[/color] She finished for him, looking down at her plate. [color=A0522D]"Yeah, basically. You need to keep yourself busy, and I need to chill out for a bit."[/color] He smiled at her and the two finished their meals in silence, heading back to their dorm room together afterwards. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful- mostly just trying not to freeze from the cold air that would sometimes fill the room every time they let Sir in or out the window. E'nasha knew her Raven friend would be fine outside, but she hated leaving him out there all night. So, every time he tapped on the glass she'd open the window for him. Needless to say, she wasn't really sleeping at all tonight.