[quote=@IceHeart] Well you know guys preaching that Islam is destined to take over the world, infidels deserve to die, homosexuals need to be thrown off roofs, and generally every needs to convert to Islam or be beheaded is just [b]a [i]wee[/i] bit different from people concerned that native cultures are disappearing as massive waves of refugees are flooding into countries without proper vetting[/b]. Big difference between threatening death and actively inciting people to kill in Allah's name, and people who want to kick out immigrants after they see a huge rise in crimes such as rape in their cities being done mostly by the newcomers. [/quote] So all white nationalists, neo nazis and ethnostaters want is basic bitch conservative 'tighter immigration policy'? Oh phew I was worried for a minute that they might actually be dangerous.... You seem to know a lot about radical islam, can you tell me about ethno-state proposals? I mean obviously you wouldn't be comparing the two unless you were totally read up and informed on both sides right? [quote=@IceHeart] Also you know who in the UK are afraid to talk? Anyone who has a beef with their new [url=https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/08/uk-police-warn-man-to-stop-criticizing-islam-on-facebook]islamic neighbors[/url]. When someone can be visited by police officers for just being critical of Islam, there is something very wrong coming on, especially in what should be a mostly secular society. [/quote] Nope Nope Nope you are going to have to do better than one cherrpicked story about a guy getting a friendly visit from the police. There is zero context in this story. We don't know if there are tensions between him and someone else on Facebook that he knows. We don't know if the man has prior dealings with the police. We don't even know the nature of the criticism. I'm not going to ignore literal hundreds of thousands of conservative and anti islam rhetoric which gets streamed into our radios, podcasts and TVs every day with ZERO legal repercussion from our so called thought police because of one anonymous friendly warning reported on jihadi watch. So I ask you again, if criticizing islam is punishable by law in the UK why isn't a famous commentator like Katie Hopkins in jail for it yet? Tell me your theory has some consistency.