Lise heard everyone agreeing to move up distantly. She was in her thoughts as she ascended the staircase. '[color=lightpink]Should I recruit some people to train group fighting? Who would be good for that... If I tell them to join my royal guard, I'm sure they'll go for it-[/color]' Lise was snapped out of her thoughts as she softly bumped into Andreim, who was walking ahead of her and had apparently stopped. Scanning the area, she realized that the entire party had stopped. She looked over the stances of everyone, trying to get a feel for what had happened. Lise internally berated herself for losing track of another situation. Her eyes settled on Katherine, who seemed to have stormed ahead, looking ready to fight, and in front of Kath... Lise gripped Andreim's arm. She figured some place as shabby as this would have all sorts of strange things, but some part of her refused to accept the possibilities of ghosts. That part of her now had to deal with none other than a spectre appearing before her. Lise wasn't afraid of ghosts. She wasn't. Only children get scared at stuff like that. Children who lived seemingly alone in a giant, empty manor, waited on mainly by faceless shadows taking the form of domestic servants. Children who explored the empty halls at night, walking through the oppressive stares of countless dead family members' portraits, each one with canvas-white skin and lifeless eyes that seemed to follow you as you tiptoed down the dark hallways, trying to find your room using only the sliver of moonlight coming from a faraway window. But she wasn't afraid. She summoned a shadow servant, in a totally-not-afraid manner, as she clutched Andreim's arm. The servant stood at the ready for any potential attack.