[center][h1]Survive: A classic Zombie survival RP[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/cce1/f/2009/358/1/8/zombieland_by_gregmks.jpg[/img][/center] [h2]TL;DR Summary[/h2] - A classic post apocalyptic zombie survival game. - Set in the year 2158, so some futuristic tech will be present. - Set in the US, namely DC. - Very narrative driven, but there will be a bit of dice rolling and skills involved. - Decent descriptions with at least one paragraph per post preferred. [hr] [h2]In Character Info[/h2] Try to make decently descriptive posts with at least one decent sized paragraph, and make sure you act as your character would ;) The GM will be playing as the "world" (e.g. the enemies, environment, npcs, etc.) and the characters decisions will affect the path of the story. The characters will start with some basic gear, but will have to scavenge around and find better weapons and stuff. Also, I'd prefer if it where more action based, but there can be some soft spots in there as well ;) [hr] [h2]Out of Character Info:[/h2] So in this setting the world has been in ruin for about a year. Zombies were created due to a virus that was accidentally let out of a government research lab. They were using the virus to research letting humans live longer, but instead it just turned them into brainless flesh eating monsters. After the virus escaped the dead started rising from the grave, and the rest is history. Since this takes place some time in the future there will be some advanced technology, such as weapons, but nothing too futuristic (no laser canons or anything :P). Also, most of the culture and such will be the same as it is today for sake of simplicity. Zombies will be moderately difficult to kill, the main challenge is not getting hit by them, because one bite/scratch and you're infected. If you're infected, it doesn't cause you to die right away, but it makes you extremely weak/sick, and once you do die you will be raised as a zombie. There will also be a heavy focus on gathering, you will need food/water/weapons if you're going to survive ;) And yes, I know this is cliche, I made it that way on purpose ;P [hr] [h2]The Basic Story[/h2] The general story is that your "group" (all the players) have heard rumors of a safe heaven that's been set up not far from DC, and they have decided to make the journey to it. The only problem: they're in the center of DC, far from the outskirts of the city. It's a dangerous journey, and you don't even know if the rumors are true, but you can't stay in this zombie filled city for ever... That's all I have for now, I will elaborate on all this when I set up the RP if I get enough interest.