[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] But I can see why her fans are grasping at anything to defend her. Probably the first woman that has smiled at them even if through a computer screeen. And brittany's letter has far more problems beyond english/american spelling and you know it, don't be disingenuous. [/quote] [@Dynamo Frokane] The letter you posted claiming fraud is being disingenuous by cropping out likely something debunking one of it's claims. Also, that's some pretty worthless ad-hominem logic. My point is that you don't have any actual prove that it's a fraudulent letter. I'm not saying it is, or isn't 100%. But all I did from checking was confirm many instances of them having errors, just looking up UK home office misspelling online has many people freaking out over their names being misspelled. Those errors are likely for reasons of hiring people where English isn't even their first language. So for me to either believe the U.K government who jails trolls, or people who believe in free speech. Going with the latter. Though what exactly are you claiming is being lied about? Them were detained, where they were detained? Banned from the U.K? You assume someone wanting to get attention, a national threat, would write a letter with misspellings? Over thing idea of the government screwing the letter up? (I guess we do have vastly different opinions on government.) https://www.dailywire.com/news/28360/london-police-issue-hate-crime-guidelines-think-hank-berrien The links aren't broken on my end. Maybe it's not allowed in the U.K. (specific ones? Anyone confirm?)